Chapter 41- Unexpected Surprises

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Lyra pov.

I carelessly kick the door opening, the crash echoing through the dungeons. Don’t cry. You are not going to cry over than jackass. I plopped down on my bed, feeling water accumulate along the rims of my eyes. Don’t. Hot tears slid down my face, contradicting my will power. Damn… Sitting here I felt so….useless…tossed aside…breaking over something that should have never formed. I can’t just sit here and cry I can’t just….

    I stand up and begin throwing some of my belongings into a trunk. A few pairs of navy blue robes, wand, a couple of books on Dark Arts theory, and a few other objects to take with. When I’d cleaned out most of my room, I stopped, attempting to calm my rustled thoughts. Where are you even going to go? I sigh, running my hands through my hair.

    Severus pov.

I felt the familiar brew of love and hate swirling and bubbling by the red hot anger boiling. I knew I had only lashed out due to jealousy, but the consequences were severe for my ruthlessness. I paced the halls, searching for even a glimpse of her of her emerald robes swishing around the corner, just beyond my reach. Usually when we had our minor disagreements, the small flush that spread across her cheeks was endearing. But today as it surfaced I found myself not bemused, but regretful; something in her eyes showed she was serious about leaving and I could see how much I had hurt her by my outburst. The words she spoke and her facial expression all screamed of odium but her eyes told a different story, one of fatal wounds and shadows encircling a complicated relationship.

“Oh Severus honestly it really is simple to declare love for one another I don’t understand how you both keep making this so difficult.” Sighed Albus.

“How did you know?” I questioned, I was surprised to find my voice sounding tired and weak.

“She’s just left with her stuff.” I felt my heart sink... I knew she was hurt but surely she wouldn’t leave.

“Severus I beg of you, for your own happiness and well being, go find her before she does something you’ll both regret for the rest of your lives.”

Lyra pov.

My boots left prints in the light layer of snow, coating the ground, squeaking as I enter the crowded pub. A few days earlier Viktor had given me a key to room 206. I felt a few peoples curious gaze linger as I strode through the pub, up the wooden stairs and down the hallway. The plum shaded rug, bunched up around corners muffled my steps. As I knock I can hear the movement inside, the patter of footsteps building as he approached the door.

“Lyra? Vhat is vrong?” I felt a sudden oncoming weakness, emotionally and physically. I felt drowsy and just numb, full of pent up unexpressed, raw emotion I just didn’t know how to comprehend or express.

“Oh…nothing. It’s just I thought it over and I’d like to...take you up on the er…offer you made.” I replied awkwardly. I had to admit, I was having second thoughts about just up and moving to spite Snape…but at the same time I felt I couldn’t stay here. Maybe this was my one shot at true love…

“Vell that’s vunderful! But you have a suitcase. We aren’t leaving for a few days..” Right…

“Well yes but they’ve just hired some new help at the school and I was just taking up space. “

“They haven’t fired you?”

“No officially but…I think my time here is done. I was wondering if well maybe I could..stay here?” 

“Of course.” He was dressed in a pair of burgundy shorts and a white tank top, with hair ruffled. It was early for bed but I expect he was used to it, with early practices and games. The room looked as a typical hotel room would, a small bathroom wedged in the corner, slightly spotted and stained tan carpet and various parts of furniture sets scattered throughout the small room. The color of the room was striped mint and crocodile green. I saw only one bed…in the back of my mind I felt yet another problem, beginning to itch and scratch at me.  I plopped on the bed, uncertain what else to do. I felt a little uncomfortable, out of place, like a piece of a puzzle being forced into a place where it didn’t quite fit. I felt my concern grow when he sat next to me- awfully close. It then occurred to me, what did he expect to happen tonight? I shrug uncomfortably; as he pulls my legs onto him, going on to pull me into his lap. What did he think me asking to stay the night meant?  With a devil like smirk he kissed my jaw, then down to my neck. I shrugged away uncomfortably, trying to send the message as best I could. I didn’t have the guts or the know how to say something.  Please make it stop I’m not ready. I felt his lips sink a little too low and I leaped up.

“N-nnoooo.” I stuttered.


“Nooooo... Nooo nonono nooooo.” was all I managed to say. I heard another knock at the door. Of course, if I had waited a few more seconds there would have been a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why I wanted to stop. Shaking my head and desperately trying to erase the blush that had spread across my cheeks, I scrambled to get to the door. My heart sank instantly as I saw Severus standing there, looking sheepish holding a few roses in one hand.

“We need to talk.”

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