Chapter 42- Coming back

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Lyra pov. 

"About what an inconsiderate arrogant dickhead you are?” I said crossing my arms. 

"Not exactly.  ...Well...I suppose...In a way" 

"Rambling isn't getting you anywhere, Snape." I edged back, attempting to close the door.

"For the love of- wait! "

"Hmmmm?" I sang

"You're loving this aren't you?"

"Loves a very strong word. Your point? “

"Will you please come back to the castle with me?"

"Why should I?" to my surprise the ever- fight picking and defending man fell silent. It was then I noticed the ashamed and hurt look on his face, like a dog that had its tail between his legs. I shifted uncomfortably, regretting my earlier comments.

“Y-y-you just don’t belong with him Lyra. Please. Come back with me. We need to talk, alone.” He near whispered, looking anywhere but at me. I felt my stomach plunge, this wasn’t the man I was used to seeing, all sneers and taunts. It gave me the sense something was wrong.

“What’s going on?”

“Please just come with me. I really really need to speak with you.”

“Okay…” He turned on his heel to leave, coal black cloak swooping around as a cape would. I suddenly felt very alone and vulnerable in a dingy apartment. The carpet stained with unknown substances, mismatched furniture, with a man I’d only known a few months.

“Wait! I’d appreciate if you were to stay…I didn’t really bring much it won’t take long…” I didn’t know why I was asking him to stay, I could handle myself just fine and I’d had been enraged with him just a few short minutes ago. Perhaps it was this helplessly sense of vulnerability that softened me up. This sick game he and I played, the façade of how he acted and talked in that superior tone of his had always contributed to my irritation with him.   It was a characteristic I despised in everyone

“But vhere are you going?” inquired Viktor, eyeing Snape who was now leaning against the doorway. His sense of weakness and was now eyeing Viktor carefully, as a panther would to its prey.

“I—I just have to go.” I stuttered, feeling embarrassed. I grabbed my still packed bag and hurried out. I felt awful about leaving him like this without an explanation and I knew I’d have to pay for this later but against all my instincts I felt the flutter of butterflies arise in my stomach as Snape took my agile trunk and started ahead. Outside was just as I left it; a light dusting of snow still littered the ground, the only trace winter had left behind, soon to be erased as the pale grey clouds passed over the sun. I felt a hard knot of anticipation form in the pit of my stomach. I had never seen Snape so serious on a personal matter that didn’t involve criticizing my personal choices. I loved the castle but this year it seemed to have lost some of its cheerful aura, mostly because ever since Umbridge arrived this was the place children were sent to have their hopes and dreams crushed. Hogsmeade wasn’t all that far off but it was a lot longer in silence. I racked my brain for any conversation topic but fell short. The way we had left things was so messy it wasn’t as if you could just fall right back into step. It was with great relief the castle neared, and we were soon submerged in a crowd of students. I noticed that instead of making nasty comments toward all the children he held his tongue; something I’d urged him to do for years now. The inside of the castle was just as crowded as the outside, students bustling to get to their destinations. Torches were lit carefully to thaw the lingering cold, flickering in the slight breeze. The noise faded as we descended into the dungeons, the only sound was of our footsteps. The air was thick and smelled of water and the faint scent of cinnamon as we reached the front of his chambers.

“Lyra oh good you’re back! So sorry to interrupt your reunion Severus but I’m afraid I must borrow Lyra for a moment.” Said Dumbledore, sweeping me away from Severus. He looks utterly betrayed as I was led down the hall and up the stairs. Pushing through the crowd that was now diminishing, he led me to his office.

“I’m sorry to steal your special moment away from you Lyra, but this cannot wait. I only have a few moments...” he trailed off.

“Before….?” I inquired. Fawkes was in the corner of the office, flexing his wings and flashing various brilliant shades of red and yellow. I watched him distantly as I waited for an answer. Though I knew I ought to be focused, the thought of my postponed meeting with Severus itched at the back of my mind.

“It’s not important. I need you to do me a favor, one I cannot be sure Severus will fulfill on his own. Soon I must leave, and dark times will be ahead. Harry Potter will be in danger, well more than usual I might add. I don’t know what extent she’ll go to to extract the information she desires. I need to be sure you’ll keep her as busy as possible. And to keep Harry safe. As I recall, you’re particularly good with irritating Umbridge. “He said, a bit of the light returning to his pale blue eyes. I smiled in return

“Of course I will. It will be a pleasure. But…”


“Do you know why Severus looked so upset?”

“I should have known your mind wouldn’t wander from him. I shouldn’t spoil your surprise.”

“But …”

“Let me put it this way. If you rub something firm, like a rock against another rock, it will wear down. That’s what you do to Severus. In fact he‘s probably waiting for you now. Go, but keep in mind what to do.” I nodded and sped out of the office dodging a few stragglers and ghosts as I went by. Nearly Headless nick tried to start a conversation, but I walked past, feeling rude as I did so. I reached Severus’ chambers and heard soft movement from inside. Knocking, I straightened my robes and tapped my thigh impatiently. A few Slytherins sprinted past as he opened the door looking outright defeated as he did so.


“I’m back.” I chirped. Hearing myself even I felt disgusted by my oddly positive tone.

“I can see that.”

“What did you want to talk about?”

Its...Nothing never mind.”

“It didn’t seem like nothing before.”

“Well it wasn’t anything. You should go, before the students get the wrong idea. “He snapped, slamming the door.

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