Chapter 37- You Must be this tall to enter the dungeons

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Lyra pov.

It was well past midnight; I lay in my bed, knees hugged to my chest. My eyes were lined with the hours of sleep lost. What was it he was going to say? Would I ever know? Or would I be kicked out of here before I could even talk to him?

*                                                                                                                  *                                                                                                                         *

A few days later a crowd had gathered around the Great Hall. Looking up I see a list of teachers whose 'services were no longer needed' My name was second to last in pretty violet ink. It's not like it was surprise, but the disappointment still set in. An heated argument was taking place between Umbitch (whoops) and McGonagall. Would I have to leave the castle? Trelawney's name was right before mine so i'd find out in moments.

Severus pov.

I knew she would lose her job ever since her comment in the Great hall. She had been reckless the past few weeks d refused to listen to anything I had to say. But even s0, I didn't want her gone. So even as she retreated to her room likely to pack, despite the urge to follow her I press forward as Albus intervenes. Umbridge walks past me toward the dungeons, the smile glued to her face sickens me. I knew she was going to Lyra, and I couldn't let her.

"What, do you think you're going to do?" I ask,

"Well it's my job to inform all unfit teachers-"

"No, stop there. Lyra, is a perfectly fine teacher. You just don't like the fact she was out-spoken enough to confront you. So, if you insist upon being a bitch, I prefer you leave her alone from now on. You've done enough." She opens her mouth but I am in no mood to hear her pathetic argue

"Ah. You must be this tall to enter the dungeons. Now, move along." The words sound venomous even to me, but she turns away.

"Severus." the voice is frail and quiet. "We have much to discuss, come." Albus leads the way to his office, ignoring the Potter boys frequent calls for attention. We enter the office, everything including his phoenix in its place.

"So. Something seems to be bothering you."

"I need a favor."

"What kind of favor?" 

"The kind of favor that would involve, allowing Lyra to stay and protecting her from that bitter old toad."

"Oh, I won't be allowing Professor Umbridge to evict Lyra. Forgive me Severus but I thought this is what you wanted?"

For once I was at a loss for an explanation.

"There's no use denying it Severus. You love her."

"N-no I love Lily."

"You used to, but you've moved on. Denying will only make it hurt more, for both of you."

"What do you mean, 'for both of us.'?"

"I believe you recall my statement upon the beginning of the year round 5 years ago?"


"I have reason to believe she returns your affection. But she's too proud to admit it."

"You're wrong"

"Oh? Then why was she so heartbroken when she was under the impression you disliked her?"

"I don't know."

"The real question is, if you are ready and willing to admit your own feelings."

I hesitate, "I don't know." 

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