Chapter 3- Learning

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Lyra pov. 

I was guided to a small room in the corner of the basement of the residence. It wasn't uncomfortable, but I began to realize how grim the situation was. I was presumably locked in a dungeon of a strange old man, with no one to care where I was or who knew where I was. The outcome was not looking good. Eventually I managed to drift into some much needed sleep, in which I had some spotty dream activity, but I only remembered the vaguest of details.  I awoke in a cold sweat at first, and then I remembered where I was. The room itself was actually very pleasant, it was lit by a green tinted view of the lake outside, and accompanied with a fireplace and its own bathroom.  At the end of the bed was a new chestnut trunk, and to my surprise it was bulging with clothing and items I'd never seen before.  

"What the..." I unclipped the golden lock and the top popped open, revealing several stacks of robes, silky and in all colors imaginable. Underneath was a set of thick heavy books, topped with a silver and emerald bow, and a bit of parchment, that read, in large, loopy ink, "Welcome!" Blood rushed to my cheeks as I processed all of it, someone actually did this for me. Merlin, this must have cost a fortune. 

"Rise and Shine Miss Ianthe. Oh, I see you've received the staffs welcoming gift." Albus had waltzed in, nonchalantly as if this were an everyday occurrence for him. Still robed in a too large t shirt from my high school days and a grey pair of sweatpants, I felt rather uncomfortable. Not everyday your teacher walks in on you in your pajamas...

"Staff? I haven't been here but twenty-four hours, why would they be so kind as to buy be all of this?"

"Well it's more the idea behind the gift. Not exactly everyone has heard of the news yet but all the same everyone supplied all the provisions you would need, just as a first year would need. Everyone did their part by donating some extra supplies." As I plunged through the newly acquired supplies, I found most were not so sew after all. But despite the years of wear and tear they must have endured, the few scratches and tears didn't bother me. 

"Where did all these robes come from?"

"Madame Malkin, I've known her since Professor Snape was just a student! She happily gives me discounted prices anytime." There was a small molten pot at the bottom of the chest, it looked misshapen, almost like a pumpkin. Along with it were mismatched ingredients; some were lovely like rose petals and roots of asphodel.  Others were slimy slugs and grotesque animal organs. 

"Courtesy of Severus. Never much to spare in the Potions room I'm afraid." Whoever this guy is, I'll be sure to provide him with a heartfelt 'fuck you'. My attention had redirected itself unto something else; a long and narrow box was carefully placed at the bottom left corner.

"Now there's no guarantee this will work... the wand chooses the witch however...Hagrid seemed positive this wand would love you." I slipped off the delicate top and brushed aside the wrapping to find a neatly polished, twelve inch wand. 

"Made of blackthorn wood and a phoenix tail feather, go on, give it a wave!" he urged, pompous as always. I picked it up, fingering the indents of the small design engraved on the handle. Electricity felt as if it was soaring through my body, and as soon as I raised this wand, petals popped out as if I was the flower girl at a wedding. All colors, blue, white, black, yellow, orange, pink and of course red were swirling around me and I couldn't help but grin. I was amazed to say the least, this was the proof I have been waiting for, to tell me this wasn't a dream but all too real. I was a witch. I have power and control for the first time in my life. This was no lie. 

"Magnificent, as expected."

"Who was it that got this for me?" I inquired, admiring the validation of this fantasy. 

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