Chapter 44- Order of the Phoenix

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Lyra pov.

I stumbled, nearly rushing to meet the paved walkway as the new setting was conjured up before me.

"Damn it Severus, don't you ever do that again!" I snarled, clinging to him for balance.  It had been a surprise attack, one minute I was hugging him, the next I felt as though I was being shoved through a tube; and I wasn’t fond of apparating when I was expecting it. 

"I thought I'd sweep you off your feet." He chuckled.

"Ugh. Where are we?" It looked mundane; a normal Muggle village. The lawns were all neatly trimmed with several blooming plants decorating it; the houses were large and lively, TVs blaring loudly and family conversation seeping through the thin walls and windows.


"You act like I know what you mean." But just as the words left my mouth, the two houses, whose foundations were solid a moment ago, were sliding in opposite directions as if they'd grown legs. A new house appeared, same outward appearance but it lacked the aura of the others, though this one was bright, no sound emitted.  The rock grinding away against ground sounded like a jackhammer, but no one moved.

"Welcome, to the Order of the Phoenix.” He strode inside, confident but menacing as always. Few days had passed but since of newfound romance, he seemed a little more affectionate. The fights we had were no longer heated, but over petty things. Of course we still pissed each other off beyond belief at times, but it was never a threat. I hopped up the stairs and entered right after him into a narrow embellished hallway. The carpet was elaborate, the walls lined with masterpieces and decapitated house elf’s; it was the style of an old manor. Several people were conversation in low voices. He continued into the room and all the voices ceased. Not knowing what to do, I lean against the doorway and watch Severus commence in seemingly agitated conversation with a tall bald man with skin darker than my robes. I watched, seemingly in a trance, only to be awakened by a thick warm trickle down my back

"Ohh Tonks!" I whipped around, to see a young girl in her twenties, hair a bright crimson looking sheepishly at the puddle of thick gravy. She gripped the silver boat fiercely.

"Ohh....I'm sorry!" Behind her was a short and stout woman with fiery hair; I was certain I had never seen her before but she struck me as somewhat familiar. With a stern glance and a quick wave of wand the mess was cleaned up.

"Oh hello Lyra dear; it’s a pleasure to finally meet you.  I'm Molly Weasley, you've taught some of my children!"

"Hello." I squeaked; I recognized her at once, or more so her kids. But my attention had gravitated to Severus' newfound absence. "Well well, Lyra, thought you'd stop by without saying hello?" My heart skipped a beat as I turned around to meet the once familiar croaky voice.

"Remus!" His chocolate colored hair had been streaked with grey. "Where have you been?"

"Around." He answered simply, ushering me into a smaller but equally as elegant room.

"What has he told you?"

"About what?”

"The plan."

"What plan?"

"So you don't know yet?”

"Ugh, why is everyone speaking in riddles? Someone please tell me why I'm here and what this bloody plan is! "I exclaimed. First Severus now Remus. To my surprise, he cracked a small smile.

"I'd love to tell you Lyra, I really would, but it’s a very delicate situation and you aren't ready yet. Its best explained by Dumbledore. "

"Dumbledore just knows everything doesn't him?" I sighed.

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