Chapter 51- Poison

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The Forbidden Forest was beautiful, in its own way. The thick canopy of trees prevented sunlight from penetrating it, the grass was trodden underfoot from various creatures galloping about. Would you believe Lyra had never actually been in there? It was dark and mysterious, she loved it. It was forbidden to the students, particularly the younger ones. But for those who had honed their skills and could do proper magic (in case of emergency) it was a nice stroll.

“What kind of creatures are in here?” asked Lyra.

“Nothing too eccentric. Bowtruckles, centaurs, acromantulas…” Severus replied.

“What?” she gasped.

“Ah yes. You dislike spiders.” He recalls.

“We are leaving.” She spins on her heel, and tries to run, but is stopped by Severus grasping her arm and chuckling.

“They are deep in the forest. Nothing you will encounter on the outskirts, which is where we are.”

“Hmmm…” she contemplates turning tail and running.

“If there is the slightest web, I promise we can leave.”  Severus assures her.

“Fine. But if I see the smallest spider, I'm running.”

“Then I'll protect you from the spiders.” He takes her hand, intertwining their fingers. Her hands are still smooth, unworn by time. His own were, with small scars from years of brewing potions. If he could help it, she'd never have to have that. He runs a finger over the back of her hand, and winces slightly as he comes across a deep cut. Jumping to attention, he takes her hand and examines it. Secretly, he worried she had started up some of her unhealthy coping patterns.

“Don't worry. I got it trying to cut a sopophorous bean in Potions.” She smiles to reassure him she is fine, better than she had been in a while.

“It works better if you cut it at a slant.” He advises. “I learned that during my time as a student. I had several shortcuts I learned first hand. I wrote them all in my book.”

“Your teacher must have hated you for writing in the book.”

“I doubt Professor Slughorn minded too much. He was much more concerned with my skills. Though I never received an invitation to the so called Slug Club. Suppose my family was not prestigious enough.”

“I didn't know Slughorn was your teacher.” Lyra gives his hand a slight squeeze. “What was your family like?”

“I don't want to talk about that.” He frowns, hair shrouding his face.

“Oh. That's not really fair. You saw more than I was willing to show when you taught me Occlumency.”

“That was nearly three years ago.”


“It is not as though I intended to.”

“But wasn't that the point? To maintain privacy. I'd think it was a motivation for me to do well.”

“It was not. I did as I was instructed, and taught you what you needed to learn.”

“Well-.” He kisses her softly, to keep her from talking.

“I assure you I did not mean to intrude upon your privacy. However, I do believe I revealed to you part of my past.”

“While that may be true, it's bad to keep secrets from your girlfriend.” She teased. He still had to get used to that world girlfriend. After years of animosity, and decades of him being ignored by almost all females, it still seemed so unlikely.

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