Chapter 8-Loss

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Christmas was usually a time of joy, a time for family. Lyra, having no family around, spent it alone, one of the few teachers in the castle. She read up on the Dark arts, she didn't know what but something about it enticed her, called to her. Not that she'd practice it or go running to become a dark wizard. She had just always been attracted to the darker things in life. Besides, it wasn't so bad. The teachers sent her Christmas cards, the Weasleys sent her a box of chocolate frogs, and Albus sent her a Slytherin scarf. It was the most friendly Christmas she had ever had. Her parents did not write. Of course they didn't know where she was and she preferred it that way. It was just saddening to be constantly deprived of a parent's love. They never really gave her gifts and while the other kids at school would always rant about the gifts Santa had brought them, she always sat, read her books and stayed quiet. That was the way to go unnoticed and when she went unnoticed, they left her alone. Unfortunately, Snape also stayed at the castle over break. She didn't understand. Did he not have a wife or family to go home to? If he did, she sympathized with them. She snickered at the thought, the overly bitter man probably didn't, considering his personality. Then again, she wasn't one to talk. She had no one either. She doubted she ever would. But that was besides the point. Soon break was over, and the students and their instructors returned reluctantly.  Potter and friends behavior had changed,  they acted wary and suspicious of Snape, which was a feeling I understood.  The spats continued between Snape and I, I couldn't comprehend why Albus had us of all people paired up. His hypothesis was completely wrong. I could never fall in love with a man as haughty, bitchy, and irrational (the list could go on) as Severus Snape. As the second semester progressed she began to worry. Where would she stay once the semester drew to a close? What would happen to her? She wouldn't mind some time off from Snape, but the other aspects she would definitely miss. One day, she was making way to the Great Hall when she noticed a large reduction in the amount of stones in the Gryffindor hourglass. It was dangerously low.

“What the hell?” She muttered. To be completely honest, her immediate suspect was Snape. Who else would steal all those points to spite everyone? Potter, Granger and Weasley all looked ashamed. They were the victims of many glares as well. She could only guess what had happened, until she arrived at the teacher's lounge. They were honestly just as bad as the teenagers with the gossip. Eventually she deduced that the three students were caught out after hours. There was a bit about a dragon, but she didn't quite trust that. It was like the Muggle game telephone, each time the story is told it's altered a little. Snape harbored a smug look on his face that disgusted her.

It was a few days later that after class, Potter approached her. Snape had stole off to lunch, and she stayed behind this time to clean up.

“Uhm, Professor Ianthe?” he asked.

“Yes, Potter?” Lyra answered rather politely.

“There's a sensitive matter I'd like to ask about. And you seem to be the only adult who might believe me..” he began. That was when she felt rather important, being trusted by one the most important wizards in the world. And, him being so small and vulnerable, she couldn't find it in her heart to reject him. And why would she?

“Go on.”

“We found out about the Sorcerer's Stone.” Lyra's heart sank. No one besides the staff was supposed to know about had he..?

But she maintained her composure, and asked

“Who is “we”?”

“Ron, Hermione and I. It was an accident, really

But the important part is…” he lowered his voice. “We think someone is after it.” It was then she sat down, out of shock, in Snapes chair.

“Do you have any idea who?” This couldn't be some kind of prank. No eleven year old could make this up.

“Well...Professor Snape..” he replied softly.  Suddenly, everything made sense. “It's not just because of how he treats me, I swear. We saw him disappear on Halloween, and he came back with a bite mark, there's a three headed dog guarding the stone. Hermione and Ron saw him muttering some kind of incantation when my broom was wonky. Something is definitely wrong.” The bite mark he lied about, his moving lips, his disappearance. “I think it's odd that--.” Lyra abruptly clamps her hand over Harry's mouth. He was always quiet, but she could hear the faintest of footsteps approaching.

“I promise I will look into the matter, Potter.” she formally ends the conversation. He seems to get the gist of who's coming, nods, and leaves. Snape enters right as Potter leaves, and he raises a thin eyebrow at her.

“What was that?” He inquires.

“Just a question about Potions, is all.”  Lyra steps out, unwilling to be in the same room as him, more suspicious than ever.

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