Chapter 34- The Truth

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Lyra pov,

I lay in bed, back at Sev's house, in incedible pain. I had no recollection of that day at all. I was barely conscious but i felt Severus's presence at my side. I opened my mouth,and only managed to make a sound of pain. Severus had been taking care of me, everything except bathing; i was insecure and i didnt want that to be how it happened. I rolled over and groaned in pain. Once the spots had cleared from my eyes I chanced looking around my room. There was a faint glow from the edges of the drawn black curtains, being the only light in the room except a flickering candle on the bedside table. I glanced around, hoping to see Sev sitting beside me. I let out another groan of purely exasperation to fid I was alone. That narcissistic bastard. Wouldn't even keep me company when I had a near death experience. So why did I want him to be my narcissistic bastard? The thought triggered a sharp pain in my head, but an even deeper ache in my heart. A knock upon the door lightened my mood,  but sighed as Dumbledore stepped into the shadow.

"Ah Lyra, good to see you've regained consciousness."

"Mhm..." I slowly began testing my strength, and managed to pull myself into a sitting position. Dumbledore had settled himself into the chair beside my bed but the usual cheery atmosphere that was usually present had disappeared. There was no gleam or sparkle in his eyes.

"I'm afraid I come to you with less than happy news."


"Do you have any recollection of what you came across?" A stab of realization hit me.

"You told me my father was a muggle."

"I'm sorry to say I've been less than truthful." I looked up the best I could.

"Why?" There was an edge in my voice that sounded a bit unstable.

"I am not perfect. I have a flaw and you are not the only one that has fallen to it. I care too much. You had just broken free from your hell I didn't want to bring you a new one just yet. You were just learning and I didn't think you deserved that kind of pressure upon you just yet."

"So what exactly is the truth?"

"What you read. When you were born, a prophecy was told. You are supposed to have some role in the downfall of Voldemort. No one knows what, whether it be you teach Harry the spell that evidently destroys Voldemort or something larger. But your parents, Voldemort, everyone knew you were a threat. They had to control you. And did for eighteen years. But when you left, well... they knew it was time. For the past five years Death Eaters have been set out to kill you. When you were eight you started showing magical potential. Voldemort acting rashly upon kidnapping you. Your parents convinced him they could handle it. Now tell me Lyra, do you remember how you got home? Who took you? "

I screwed up my eyes, trying to remember.

"No." For the first time in the past few minutes, a small smile appeared on his face.

"You should ask Severus about it. He can tell you. It's part of the reason I believe you two were, meant to be." I blushed  a little at his past comments.

"The place you've stayed the past few years has had some charms upon it, and so you've been safe. But recently last year over Christmas break it was searched by Death Eaters, which is why I had you move in with Severus." I looked up from my folded hands, unsure what to say.

"Does this mean I can't go back to teach?"

"Only if you don't want to."

"But the Malfoy boy-"

"He will not be a problem. At least not now. No one else knows where you stay in the summer and Hogwarts has and always will be safe. Now, no more questions. I want to see you on August first, fully recovered."

With a last kindly smile, the spark in his eye returned as he left. I closed my eyes, trying to numb the pain away. There was no normal curse that could have done this; Dark magic was obviously used. My eyes snapped open as I heard heated, yet muffled whispering just beyond the door. I snagged a few bits of the conversation

"You have to tell her-"

"I don't have, to do anything, there's simply no reason to tell her. It will only upset the girl further."

"You don't find it rather curious?"

"A simple coincidence."

"Heed my insight Severus what you're trying to fend off will not go away."

A silence rang loudly.  

"Don't tell me you haven't grown to care for the girl, at all?"

A hesitation, I felt my heart jump into my throat.

" I don't care for her, my feelings have and always will be purely professional. She is the same, if not more, psychotic insolent bitch as the day I met her."

I closed my eyes, biting my lip until I tasted blood. It took a lot to make me cry, I felt a crimson rage tear through me, finally settling ablaze in the center of my heart. He didn't care for me, then why should I care for him.

If that was what I wanted, then why was I wasting my tears? Why did it hurt so much?

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