Chapter 5

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Lizzie's pov

'Ugh.. My head.. wait.. where da fluck am I??' I asked myself.

I tugged on my hands only to feel ropes holding them in place, I opened my eyes only to see a handkerchief on it. I've been freaking kidnapped!. I tried to scream for help but a tape was on my mouth. I sighed and waved my hand, A flame sprouted from my palms, burning the ropes with ease. I quickly untied the handkerchief from my eyes and the ropes from my feet. Ugh great now I need to remove this damn duct tape. I quickly remove the duct tape, The burning feeling sting! I hold in a scream. and sighed when it stopped.

"Ugh damn bitch.." I mumbled my white hair turning black and my red eyes turning gold.

I stood up and rushed up the stairs.. oh and here's what happened..


I arrived at the park after a few minutes, I walked over to a small swing, sitting myself on the swing before pushing myself  in order to swing.

"what a wonderful view.." I said staring at the horizon with the sun going down..

"True.." Was the last word I heard before feeling a searing pain in the back of my head causing me to black out..


I glared at the door and it busted open. I stomped out of the basement and saw a huge living room with a t.v.. I stared back at an elf with black yes and red pupils.

"WhErE aM I?" I asked in a demonic voice.

He gulped and answered a no, I am then hoisted up to the air by a black tendril, I glared at the faceless creature in front of me.

"Slender? Is she the new family member?" A little voice said.

"Yes my child.." He said patting the little girls head.

"I'm what?!" I asked with widen eye's.

"Your now an adopted pasta.." He said before letting me down.

"B-but I need my stuffs! My vehicles! M-my HOUSE!" I yelled at him.

"All that is taken care of.. Your stuffs are in your new room your house is near the manor and your vehicles are in our garage" He said formally before leaving.

My mouth hung open and my eyes widen. I sighed and sat on the floor with a pout, I looked at the cute little girl in front of me.

"Oh.. Hi! Whats your name?" I asked the girl with a soft smile.

"I'm sally and this is charlie!" She said happily the demonic looking bear in her left hand.

"Hi charlie! sally! I'm Elizabeth call me Lizzie!" I said enthusiasm in my voice.

"May I show you your room Big sis?" She asked tugging on my hand.

"Oh uhm sure!" I replied.

Apparently she is as strong as 5 men.. She pulled me towards a flight of stairs while running. I stumbled a few times until she abruptly stopped making me fall on my butt. In front of me is a huge white doors with golden patterns, I looked at it with wide eyes. It opened by itself which is so cool!

 It opened by itself which is so cool!

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