Chapter 32

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Author's pov

As Lizzie removed her towel to swim, All the males (except for slender and the ones I've mentioned before) had covered their nose and faced away with flushed faces. The white haired girl immediately turned crimson red as her red hue's turned to cyan and her hair returned to their old baby pink hair, in a habit she twirled one strand with her forefinger and her thumb.

"W-why a-are you staring?? BAKA!!!" She yelped as she noticed her cousin's stare, Her crimson red face turning to a darker color as she huffed and sat on the pool's stairs.

The cool water colliding with her normally cold skin made her release a relaxed sigh as a shiver went up her spine. The girls followed her movements though, due to their warm temperatures, they jumped and shrieked as the frigid water came in contact to their skin. Lizzie released a soft laugh and swam to where Kagekao was, His mask no longer on his face revealing his grey skin and pure white eyes that left a minor glow, his black hair dripping wet as the others splashed water towards each other.

(Again, too lazy to translate)

"Didn't expect everyone to remove their masks to swim .Any who, You okay Kagekao? You seem annoyed" Lizzie said with a soft tone, The said boy stared at her and turned his head to the side.

"W-well.. I-I'm not that close to the others.." He muttered, scratching the back of his head as he let out a sheepish chuckle.

"Well you better go out there and make some friends otherwise...." Lizzie trailed of, her eyes turning bloody red, filled with sadistic thoughts as she let out a dark chuckle.

"I'll pour ALL your wine in the fire place, tie you down just for you to watch the lovely liquid burn" She said in an equally terrifying and low voice, Kagekao gulped as he stared at the female's intimidating eyes.

"hehehe~ Now go~" Kagekao flinched at the sudden alter of the girl's personality, He gulped nervously and swam to 'make friends' to the others.

"you scared him into making friends didn't you?" Eyeless said with a small laugh, Lizzie sighed and punched his arm lightly.

"Well, It's the only way to get him some friends ya know, Anyway.. What was with the sour attitude you gave my cousin?" The pink haired female said with a frown, disappointment evident in her cyan eyes as she stared at the black voids of the male beside her.

"Sorry.., I just don't take new comers that well.. Well aside from you since you're like a sibling to me" He said with a sheepish grin, Meanwhile in the distance, a pair of yellow eyes stared at the two with a bit of jealousy.

"Hey Lizzie!!" Vivian said with a smile, She glanced at the male beside the girl with distaste. In return the boy sneered and swam away to Zalgo knows where.

"I know you're jealous" Lizzie stated with a small smirk, The said girl burned red as she shook her head drastically.

"W-w-what a-are y-you t-t-talking a-about?! I AM NOT JEALOUS!!" Her yellow eyes grew rounder as she sunk herself underwater, avoiding everyone's eyes as her face turned a brighter red color..

Vivian's pov

DEAR ZALGO!! that was so embarrassing!!, I lifted myself up from the water, glaring at the white haired girl who was hysterically laughing at my flustered state. She stopped and coughed a few times to recover her composure, I sighed and hit her arm slightly before growling.

"Jeez, no need to shout.. Anyways, The four of us will be staying here for the time being" She said, My eyes grew wide as I stared at her in disbelief.

"What do you mean stay here? This isn't our house Lizzie!" I shouted lowly at her, She chuckled and patted my head, confused I look at her with a quizzical glance.

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