Chapter 7

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Lizzie's pov
      A smirk managed to form on my lips as a blue misty card flew to my hands. Soon enough the mist disappeared leaving the blue card normal. A cautious yet curious look could be seen in the faces of the damn pastas well except for Cyra of course.

"a quarter for a kiss
a dime for some mists
a little love would be fun
give me a potion with a gun" I chanted the spell. afterwards a pink mist appeared from my hands then disappearing. A glass filled with pinkish purple liquid that smelled nothing and a Golden rose gun.

"what's that noona?" Cyra/Candice asked.

"This is amortentia also know as the strongest love potion yet it doesn't create real love it only makes the user obsessed. It creates a magical scent that only the person who sniffs it or smells it makes them think  its their favorite scent for instance.." I said before stopping to open the lid.

"Candice what do you smell?" I asked with a stoic look. She leans in then her eyes grew wide.

"I smell the fresh morning grass and... freshly baked goodies.." She said dully.

I closed the lid with a small smile. I patted Candice's head then motioned her to go back to her place.

"This would be really helpfull but dangerous.. If you are the one who in taked its intoxicating scent or even ate something with it.. you'd end up being lovey dovey with the one who gave this to you so better be careful." I explained with a stoic but stern look on my face.

"Well.. Can we teach them spells now?"Cyra said nudging me softly.

"Sure." I replied with a smirk.

"Deletrius"  I said before waving my wand and pointing it directly at a vase near Jeff making it disintegrate.

"H-how w-what?!" Slendy asked his hands scratching his head.

"Deletrius causes something or ahem SOMEONE to disintegrate" I said while glaring at Jeff who was still in shock.

"Difindo" I casted once again but making Jeff my target.

"Umpf!" He said before falling to the ground face first.

His clothes were in shreds there was scratches and cuts on his face and hands along with his feet. Bruises  covered some parts of his body along with some blood dripping from his scars, cuts, and forehead. Jane laughed and held her stomach while rolling on the floor. Slender however, ruined the fun and 'Glared' at me.

"Episkey" I casted once again pointing at Jeff.

His wounds soon healed making it look like he never was hurt. I sighed boredly before turning my back the sound of a wand waving made me more cautious. I gripped my wand tightly and readied to cast a defense spell. pretty sure its gonna be Jeff again... jeez this boy would never give up wouldn't he?!.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" He chanted a freaking unforgivable curse!.

"PRIOR INCANTATO!" I casted soon a golden barrier formed around me right before the green colored spell hit me.


"Tch. Its only a harming spell so what?" He said leaning on his hand with a smirk. Oh thats it.

Candice's pov

   That was a dumb move, At the corner of my eyes I could see Lizzies rage filled eyes was more.... Dangerous than they already are.. She suddenly appeared in front of Jeff holding him by the throat. Slender was about to pull them apart when Lizzie made a dangerous growl. White ears appeared from her head and nine fox tails sprouted from her back. The tails swayed furiously behind her back, her ears was folded behind her back and an angry snarl on her face. Her red eyes glared at Jeff, She tightened her grip on his neck.

"You listen here mr. I-fucking-know-everything. You think you KNOW fucking everything in wizardly? tch.. How idiotical.. not to mention making yourself fucking annoying like shitty oreo-sama from another dimension! I will not freaking hesitate to kill you and rip your face off.. Unforgivable curses aren't supposed to be casted by filthy mortals who are so immature and full of themselves! I have a promise from mothafuckin dumbledore to keep this damn curses away from MORTALS like you! Indecent and selfish humans like you should just disappear from my sight! Ever since the fucking day I got here your shitty attitude would always annoy me! YOU don't deserve MY gratefulness nor any of my help! useless fucking idiot! AZKABAN is a prison that could make any wizard or witch unable to escape there because dementors surround that place. Even if you escape, Dementors would eat your soul out! KNOW your place filthy immortal-wanna-be! One more word from you that would anger me will cause your life so don't expect me to keep you alive for long.. Heck don't even expect me to help you.. Tch helpless, useless mortal.." She said her eyes hardening the glare she gave.

Jeff gulped, His eyes seems to be glazed with tears. Lizzie let go of him and gave him a loud growl and a harsh glare before disappearing in black mists. I walked towards Jeff and help him up. His tears run down his face an unnoticeable frown on his cutted lips.

"Tch.. Jeff don't go that far to anger her.. Last time someone did that they ended up dead the second they mentioned anything more stupid.. She's right though.. using those spells would end you up in the Azkaban prison.. Sorry about her too.. She has bad anger issues.." I explained patting his back.

He nodded before standing up and walking to the mansion. Everyone had horrified and scared expressions because of Lizzie's actions. They shivered in fright including me. Its been years since I saw her that mad.. I teleported to her room only to see her on her bed sleeping peacefully. I smiled softly before leaving to go to my own room. Its already 6 pm.. I sighed and laid down on my bed.

'Lizzie seems to be tired.. plus school will start next week.. knowing her she has everything.. maybe we could go to the mall and.. well shop for some merch? yeah.. maybe I could bring the girls too..' I thought before falling to deep slumber.

Hey guys! Sorry for some curses.. But you coukd see some Harry Potter reference here and some diabolic lovers too 😜anyways sorry for the wait.. I can only use my gadgets on Friday to sunday.. Bye for now my angels..

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