Chapter 8

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Third person's pov
The white haired girl groaned and stretched her arms before letting it become limp on her sides. She sat up on her bed slowly, just after she sat up her alarm soon went off. Opening her sleep ridden eyes softly, she sent a menacing glare at her alarm before slamming her hands to stop it.

"stupid alarm.. Can't you see i'm awake!?!" She grumbled to herself, sighing she stood up and went to do her routine.

After a quick warm shower, she changed in to her outfit of the day.

She smiled in content and released her now light purple colored hair from the white towel before hanging the towel back to its place

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She smiled in content and released her now light purple colored hair from the white towel before hanging the towel back to its place. A soft sigh escaped her pinkish red lips, Grabbing the whitish blue brush out of her vanity's drawer. Slowly brushing her wet purple hair before mustering her powers and making her hair a bit shorter. Standing up from her vanity's mini couch, She went back to her bathroom and brushed her teeth. After her little routine a soft knock echoed through the room earning a groan from the purple haired female.

"Who is it?" She asked as she sat in front of her study table which contained various of school things arranged neatly with labels.

"Morning Lizzie! It's Candice, May I please intrude your room?" A certain
Aqua haired girl asked behind the door.

"sure" The purple haired girl responded a straight stoic look on her pale face.

A sound of knobs twisting and foots shuffling echoed in the purple haired girl's ear. She looked at her cousin's turquoiseeyes, As soon as her piercing vibrant red hues met her cousin's orbs caused the aqua head shiver. Raising a brow, an unsatisfied frown appeared on the purple heads face.

Lizzie's pov
A sigh escaped my mouth as I sent an irritated glance at my cousin. She trembled as she fumbled with her hands, I rolled my eyes and gave her another glance.

"Do you need anything?" I asked the trembling girl in front of me.

"I-i wanted t-to ask if y-you wanted to come.." She stuttered out staring at the ground. A soft smile managed to form on my red lips.

"where?" I asked with an arched brow.

"the mall.. We're going to shop for supplies.." She replied with a hopeful look.

"ok..Let's go then" I replied with a smirk..

A few moments later ~insert spongebob narrator voice~

I stared at multiple sketchpads along with many colored pens. A small smile appeared on my lips, I grabbed 7 Sketchpads, 3 of them was big while 4 of them was smaller, I also took 2 sets of colored pens, A complete set of color pencils, colored markers, 2 mechanical pencils, 2 new pencil cases, Sticky notes, A complete set of art stuffs. After grabbing them and placing them in the basket/cart, I walked around National Book Store more. My eyes soon landed on the book section, I sprinted over and browsed through the fan fiction. I reached over to another book before placing it in the cart.

"Lizzie, You done?" A voice all to familiar said behind me.

I turned and nodded at Candice. Rolling my cart towards the cashier, I smiled and placed all the miscellaneous items on the counter before giving the brunette woman the money. After paying she gave me my change and the plastic containing the bought items. I gladly took it and left with the girls following behind me.

"Where next?" Jane asked her blue hues staring at me, I glanced at Clockwork and she shrugged.

"How about shop for some new clothes eh?" Judge asked her black eyes glancing at me, I nodded and proceeded walking towards a random shop.

After browsing for about 32 minutes, Some band shirts caught my eyes. My eyes widen and a sudden smirk tugged on my lips. I grabbed a basket and placed TONS of bts shirts including black and white hoodies and long sleeves. A smile never leaving my lips as I bought them, Of course with the girls staring at me with sweat drops and scared looks I gave them a glare.

"Hey guys! If you need me I'm at the merch shop!" I said to them before rushing to the merch shop right in front of the clothing store.

My smile never left its place as tons of BTS merch came in view. I grabbed yet another basket and grab all of their albums, some stuff toys, a lot of posters, a face mask with their logo, and etc. After being contented I went up to the cashier and payed for it, The cashier was shocked due to how may the things I got. what? I'm a hardcore fan of BTS can't blame me!. After a long day of shopping we were home at around 6 in the afternoon only to meet an angry looking slender.

"Hey slendy! huh? what's wrong?" Candice asked a small look of confusion on her face.

"The boys are fighting yet again inside! Oh I know! Lizzie-san can you at least stop them?" Slender asked 'looking' at me with his non existing eyes.

"Uh.. sure?" I said but a bit of confusion in my voice.

"GREAT! i'm going to the market anything you girls need?" Slender asked with what seems to be a smile.

"Oh I want some Dr. pepper!" I blurted out with a pout, while the other girls shook their head no.

"Ok! Good luck" He said before transporting somewhere else, I sighed and opened the big wooden doors only to hear shouts and a wooden chair flying towards me.

In a swift movement, I placed my fist in front of me causing the chair to break. I glared at the boys who we're shivering and shaking in fright. A menacing and horrifying aura around me.

The boys looked at me with pale and scared looks, A smirk formed on my lips as they continued shivering in fright

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The boys looked at me with pale and scared looks, A smirk formed on my lips as they continued shivering in fright.

"What do you think you boys are doing?" I asked with an innocent yet terrifying smile.

"A-ah w-we were j-just p-playing! ahe-hehe.." Ben stuttered rubbing the back of his neck.

I raised a brow and chuckled menacingly, A small evil smirk played on my lips as I stared at them with dull and lifeless eyes.

"What have I told you about fighting in the house?" I asked with a deadly glare. Dark link gulped while hoodie and Masky hid behind the couch.

"You told us *tick* to not fight specially if you were *tick* not here" Toby said with a nervous chuckle.

"And what will I do if I catch you doing that again?" I asked once more the glare not leaving my eyes.

"That you'll hang us upside down and not let us down for one whole day" Eyeless jack said while hiding behind a shivering L.j.

"Good now shoo!" I said shoo-ing them away.

I transported to my room and placed everything I bought on my desk. My eyes felt hevier so I laid in bed and fell to deep slumber.

Annyeong!! so? how was everyone? sorry for not updating much.. I got very busy at school so.. Mianhae!! anyways I gotta go~! nighty

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