Chapter 14

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(Don't play the music yet!!)

No one's pov

 The three killers glared at each other constantly hissing like snakes in the safari's. The irritated white head's glare was colder than ice itself, her teeth gritted as she was growling. Her eye altered from red to a dangerous glowing purple while the other altered itself to an electrifying blue. The unexpected boy shivered from her glare yet maintained his stoic look

"What are YOU doing here stalking us?!" The white head said pure rage laced itself to her tone.

"I- TCH! WHY DON'T YOU SHUT UP YOU LITTL- sully!" The boy said constantly switching himself to the one living in him.

"Speak.Now" Her calm yet deadly voice said in harsh tone.

"ALRIGHT! *sigh* Zalgo.. wanted me to spy on you.." He said ashamed of himself betraying his masters order on not to get caught.

The white head smiled warmly, Everyone was shocked as she remained calm. Walking near the boy who had his head down in utter shame, She lifted his chin forcing him to look into her now golden eye's.

"Now wasn't that easy?" She asked giggling then paused, She grinned not the normal grins you get but the Eerily creepy grin showed to you by a psychopath.

''Huh?!" He questioned, getting tensed from the grin she gave him.

"Welcome back Homicidal Liu.." She murmured enough for them to hear.

"YOU'RE FORGETTING SOMEONE!!" He yelled out of the blue.

"Oh.. yes sully too.. I guess" She said irritated of his never ending annoying side.

"Why welcome him?!" BEN asked pointing at the boy next to the white head.

"You didn't know? Oh of course.. HE tortured Liu turning him to one of his slaves doing dirty works for him like torturing innocent souls turning each and one of them puppets for him!! sending them out for them to die!" She screeched her eyes turning into a pale blue glistening because of the liquid humans call tears.. tears of melted gold.

" How do y-you kno-ow that?!" Liu said stuttering hoping she didn't spy on them.

"I am the daughter of death what else would you think I wouldn't know of?" She said raising an eyebrow at him.

just then a loud thud erupted from the hallway near the staircase.

"Hey sorry we're late" Jane said holding a bloody knife with clockwork by her side

""Glad you're her cause now.." Lizzie said pausing for a bit then grins her famous Eerily grin of hers.

"we train.." She said showing her now red and black glowing eyes.

After 1 second

Lizzie's POV

  I made us appear in a clearing in the middle of the woods. Obstacles surrounded the area making it look more of a practice field than a normal field. Everyone looked amazed and nervous at the same time.

"First is non-verbal magic casting." I said strictly having a stoic face.

"What does that mean?" Hoodie asked aside from the mask I could sense he was confused.

"It means casting magical spells without speaking for instance using your mind to cast it in a fast motion. It depends on your signature hand waving or with a staff, even a wand would work. Candice and I have staffs mine's more powerful and can be controlled on what to do however, Candice's staff is still working on learning moves. But magic is powerful, as they do say power shall be lead upon those who are responsible enough to use them for good. When power gets corrupted I remove them from the corrupted soul, thus leaving them powerless." I explained making sure no one goes to sleep with magic.

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