Extra Chapter #2

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Narrator's pov

It was the time of the month for Elizabeth, She groaned in pain as another cramp made it's way to her stomach, Usually during this time she acted like a bipolar child, throwing fits and tantrums if someone didn't obey her, being cute if she wanted something, and lastly being a beast if someone dare to anger her. Usually during this time, she liked dressing up like kanato-kun from diabolik lovers, Why? well because she watched the anime once when she had her period, she easily noticed the sweet toothed vampire and fell in love. She sighed as she walked down the wooden stairs towards the living room, clutching the teddy she had since she was a kid, Although it was similar to kanato's it was colored white and it had a golden bow on one of it's ear.

"Lizzie-chan? Are you alright?" Splendor asked the girl as she looked up at him, her now purple hue's staring dully at him making the said man scared.

"I'm fine.." She mumbled before continuing her gloomy way to the kitchen where Jeff was eating a sweet chocolate flavored cake.

"Jeff... Hand over the cake pwease?" She said, her doe like eyes looking more rounder as she stared at her best friend's boyfriend.

"No Lizzie, Go buy your own cake" He said unbeknownst to him the deathly aura Lizzie produced as her lips formed a straight line. Candy and Sasha who entered just a few minutes ago paled at the sight of Lizzie.

"Jeff.." She muttered her lavender colored hair shading her eyes causing one to glint red as she stared menacingly at the said boy.

Jeff looked back, his eyes widening as his paper white skin turned a few more shades paler, his lips quivered as he looked at Lizzie in alarm. She looked a lot more intimidating than the usual, she gave off a deadly and eerie aura, scaring the living daylights out of him.

"Hand. Me. The. Damn. Cake" She muttered harshly, her voice sickly sweet with venom dripping in each word she stated.

Jeff gulped nervously as he hand the cake towards the girl with shaky hands, Lizzie soon brightened up, her eyes glistening with delight before giving the petrified smiling killer a small pat on the head before skipping out the kitchen with a gleeful smile.. that is until. 

"KYAAAAAA" A sound of splashing water hitting someone and the wooden floor could be heard just outside the kitchen door.

"BENJAMIN FUCKING DROWNED GET YOUR MIDGET ASS DOWN HERE THIS INSTANT BEFORE I SKIN YOU ALIVE AND BEHEAD YOU!!!" Lizzie yelled, the trio in the kitchen gulped simultaneously as they heard the loud roar of a beast.

Everyone watched as Lizzie glowered at the shaking boy in front of her, her mouth formed a snarl as she growled rather deeply. She was dripping wet, her hair was completely damp, her cute lolita black dress with white long sleeved looked soggy and it stuck to her like glue. What others noticed was the ruined chocolate cake on the floor and the besprent teddy she held.

"YOU LITTLE DWARF!! I WILL KILL YOU AND FEED YOU TO THE SHARKS!" Lizzie hollered, her eyes glaring at the boy as he shrink in his place.

"n-now n-now L-l-lizzie!! i-it was f-f-for J-jeff!! I-I p-p-promise! I-I'll b-b-buy you a-a n-new ch-chocolate cake!!" BEN spluttered out words as he inched back, terrified at the girl in front of him.

In a flash Lizzie smiled cutely before nodding her head in agreement, She soon skipped away to her room happily before stopping abruptly and turning around slowly. Her smile turning sadistic as her eyes dilated, everyone gulped as they stared horrified at the girl.

"Now..I want that cake in 30 seconds.. If it's not here by then.." She stopped, her thumb grazing  horizontally against her neck.

"I'll kill you in so many ways than one" She finished quite deathly before giggling and returning to her room.

Inside her room.. 

Lizzie let out a soft groan as she felt another painful cramp emerge from her stomach, Hearing this Candy went inside her room and gave Lizzie the chocolate cake BEN had bought 20 seconds ago. Her brows furrowed as she stared at Lizzie's blanketed figure, groaning in pain while she held her stomach.

"You have your period today Lizzie?" She said, her aqua eyes glancing at the coffee table that was packed with sweets, a tub of ice cream, soft drinks, and other food.

"Yup" She said popping the 'p' before closing her eyes and groaning again.

"That explains the attitude.." She muttered before slicing the cake and feeding her cousin, Lizzie smiled in delight before smirking again.

"Glad enough the elf bought it in just 20 seconds.. I'm impressed" She stated, her purple orbs shining in mischief.

"Why?" Candy asked worried for the poor elf who teleported around the whole time in human form just to find the sweetest chocolate cake for her.

"Otherwise I would've skinned him and plunge him in lemon juice before stitching his mouth up and feed him to the sharks" She stated causing the turquoise haired girl to pale at the thought.

Lizzie let out a soft fit of giggles before turning into a full psychopathic laughter, Candy backed away slowly before dashing off in a hurry to escape her mentally crazy cousin. after her laughing fit she smirked, her hair tousled and tangled up from throwing her head back, her eyes glinting with mischief and madness.

"mmhh~" She hummed in pure bliss as she ate the sweet chocolate cake in peace, That until she heard a loud thud from downstairs.

"eh? What the?" She mumbled, she sighed before transporting herself downstairs through shadows.

In the living room everyone tried to pry Offender away from Candice but no avail he stood his ground all his slendrils caging her one even dared slither on her thigh. Red seemed very very agitated and extremely mad. his face burnt up in anger. He was about to go to Offender and teach him a lesson for harassing his girlfriend until a loud growl erupted from the shadow.

"GET. YOUR. FILTHY. SLENDRILS. AWAY. FROM. MY. COUSIN. YOU PERVERT!!" Lizzie screeched her eyes glowing green in pure rage, Offender smirked and leaned closer to Candice licking her cheek to tease the fuming girl.







Everyone squinted their eyes shut and covered the kids eyes to prevent them from seeing the horrific scene of Lizzie flipping, punching, kicking and throwing Offender about. As she finished Lizzie breathed heavily as a bruised and bloodied Offender laid in front of the panting girl, She grabbed his collar and snarled at him in anger causing the quirky man to shiver in fear.

"Look here whore, You better keep those slendrils and fingers of yours away from my friends otherwise I'll cut them clean off, behead you and hang your head on a plaque just above that fireplace over there got it?" She said emotionless as she grabbed Candice and disappeared.

"Women are scary when they have their periods..Jeez.." Every male said and shivered in pure fear as they decide not to do anything reckless for today.

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