Chapter 18

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Third person's pov
Silence filled the manor as the white haired female gazed out the window. Her red orbs glowed as she glared towards the trees, Slender glanced at the girl pitying her state. His tendrils didn't sway much, an invisible frown on his face.

"Child, are you sure you're alright?" He asked flinching a little as the girl glanced at him with a glare.

"Yes, I'm ok" she stated stoically, her teeth gritted while her eyes glowed green.

The turquoise haired female sighed, Her aqua colored eyes staring at the ragging female. Aside from her state she felt an unfamiliar presence among the perimeter. Her black iris turning to slits as she glanced towards the window on a certain area. Her Aqua orbs clashing with lilac ones, She growled but deep inside she felt a stinging pain.

"Candice, Are you alright?" Jane asked with an uneasy tone. The way how the aqua haired female looked made her shrink back in horror.

"Hm? Oh yeah.. I'm alright" She answered with a cautious voice.

Candice's pov

Why is she here? Ugh. I glanced back towards the window only to find her gone, my aqua orbs glanced towards Lizzie. She looked horrid, there was dark circles around her eyes, her eyes were red and puffy along with her nose. Her hair was a mess, it's my first time seeing her like this. She sighed and stood up, leaving us without another word. The pasta's were confused, a frown on their lips as she left.

"She's.. Going through so much right now.. Please don't upset her.." I said hoarsely, my eyes closed before re-opening again.

The tall sakura trees swayed above me, the pink petals fell softly towards the tall green grass. The sky was colored blue with white clouds floating around. Butterflies flew around the feild searching for more flowers to feast on, birds chirped as they flew above me. Multiple flowers adorned the feild making it more breath taking. The rays of the sun seaped through the trees giving a small amount of light to shine through.

"Wow.." I gasped with an amazed look.

The clear water flowed through the river splashing softly as it hit rocks, it shimmered as the rays shined on it. The music on my phone played a soft soothing lullaby, Amazed I sat under a sakura tree watching its petals fall around me. The soft breeze hitting my face making my turqoise hair to flow around me.

"What a beautiful view.. If only it could last.." I mumbled still looking at the scene as it continue to unfold in front of my eyes.

"Oh.." A voice said startling me, I turned my head around to see Lizzie. She held her wand which was glowing purple.

"Lizzie... How are you?" I asked her in which she sat next to me. Keeping her wand back in her pocket she smiled.

"I'm.. Slightly ok" she said her white hair flowing in the wind.

I smiled while I patted her head, she looked towards the sky with a small yawn. She haven't slept for 3 days since that incident, the twins was clearly with slender. I gave her a small wrapped box which I was supposed to give on her 18th birthday. She looked at me with a raised eyebrow, I just smiled.

"What's this?" She asked shaking the box slightly.

"Hey! Hey! Dont shake it!! Its supposed to be your 18th birthday present" I said giggling slightly.

She grabbed the silver ribbon and untied it neatly. Opening it, she gasped, her pale hands running through the bracelet and necklace.

"A.. A BTS necklace and.. A charm bracelet?" She asked her eyes gleaming in excitement.

"Mhm!" I said laughing slightly, suddenly all the air puffed out of my mouth.

Lizzie tackled me to the ground with a hug, I struggled to breath and yet her hug was so TIGHT.

"C-CAN'T..... BREATH..!!!" I said softly yelling.

"Oh god.. Sorry!!" She said letting go of me.

I breathed in all the oxygen I could gather, A giggle turned to a full out laughter as I chased Lizzie all around the field. We both let ourselves fall on the ground being protected by soft grass, our laughter died down as we stared at the orangey sky. The field was turning dark, no light illuminating it. Soon enough a sudden burst of purple light flew up to the sky making the field brighter.

"Heh.. Its been awhile since we had that much fun huh?" Lizzie asked, her red orbs glistening a little.

"Yeah.." I mumbled, my heart ached softly as I remembered the fun moments we had.

"We should head back" I said with a grin.

"H-hey w-wha!!!"

Masky's pov
It was rather silent in the manor, the only sound I could hear are the footsteps of the other pasta's. Lifting my mask up, I ate my cheesecake silently with Hoodie eating his.

"Where could the- ompf!!" A sudden weight was pushed in my back making me fall face first to the floor with the air knocked out of my lungs.

"Masky!! Wha- oompf!!" The same thing happened to hoodie as a figure landed on his back.

"Ow... Damn.. You should work on your teleportation.." A familiar voice said.

The weight soon got off my back groaning loudly, I sat up and stared at the two siblings who were sitting on the floor groaning while rubbing their heads.

"Ow.." Hoodie said rubbing his shoulder that seemed dislocated at some point.

"Oh.. Sorry hoods!! Let me fix that!! Episkey" with a certain wave of a wand, Lizzie managed to fix hoodie's shoulder.

A groan came out of his mouth as he rubbed his shoulder again. I looked back at the duo who were both giggling. I chuckled a little before shaking my head.

"What happened here?" L.J asked his cone nose crooked slightly.

"What happened to you" I asked him with a confused tone.

"That damn kid punched my nose." He said groaning a little as he tried to fix his crooked nose.

"Episkey" Lizzie casted once again. Making his nose look as good as new.

"Ah! That kinda hurts" L.j said rubbing his nose.

"Want me to undo it?" Lizzie asked raising her wand with a smirk.

"Nevermind.. Hehehehe" L.J said nervously laughing before running away.

"That was fun!!!" Candice said laughing so hard.

Little did we know.. A certain lilac eyed demon watched them with a small smile...

So? Hows it going? Hahahaha hope you guys like this chappie!! Bai!!

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