Chapter 6

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Lizzie's pov
A loud roar woke me up from my nap. I then remembered moon was visiting.. I bolted up from my bed and teleported outside.

"MOON!!" I yelled at the huge white dragon. I flied up and hugged her nose.

"Good morning my lady~" She said while bowing her head.

"What brings you here?" A sleepy candice said beside me.

"Lady Mavis had requested me to give this to lady Elizabeth" Moon said a grin plastered on her scaley face.

She lend me a scroll that was rolled up neatly and a dark red ribbon tied unto it. I opened the scroll and read it.

Dear Lizzie
I am guessing you have arrived at the mansion? Along with your pretend sister Candice? If so your in the right track~ Your father and I are hoping you'd win this war.. Oh right.. Zalgo the ruler of hell has proclaimed the pastas war and you as the soon-to-be-queen of gods, Is being proclaimed the leader.. Slender is our good friend and we are putting our hope and trust towards both of you! Him, to take GOOD care and protection towards our sweet princess and you, to win this war!. You are going to train them 24/7 I know its pressure but.. Its for your own good! But don't forget mommy and daddy loves you and also candice k? Take good care!

From your Mother and Father

I smiled warmly after reading the letter but soon the smile on my lips shifted to a frown. I can't believe the pressure is on me..

'What if we loose? What if one of us die? What if.. Candice gets hurt?! I can't afford that! She is my cousin!' A sudden thought came up on my mind. My frown deepened and I shook my head.

'we'll win! I know it! I won't let them! O won't let them win this dreaded war! Never in a million years!' I thought. My frown turned to a smirk. I raised my head and determination filled me up.

I nodded my head at moon. She bowed then started flying back to the palace. I smirked, my most psycothic, insane, sinister, devious smirk.

'They'll regret casting us war!' I thought bitterly.

Candice's pov

I looked over at Lizzie, My heart pounded nervously. She's smirking her signature insane smirk again. I started feeling goosebumps from her smirk. Her eyes too her usual warm red ruby eyes are now peircing cold blood red. Uh oh. Something bad is about to happen. Her hair soon turned pink.. not the normal pink color but it was glowing. Her outfit soon also changed to a white hoodie with black butterfly designs, blue jeans, and white boots. Below her left blood red eye was a black heart.

 Below her left blood red eye was a black heart

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