Chapter 26

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Author's pov
As the pastas pilled in the empty field, A golden magic circle appeared underneath them, locking each of them in their places. A white flash occurred, making them close their eyes making sure to shield them from the blinding light. A flow of magic energy gushed through them, making their sensations tingle before returning to their stiff state, as this process take place the pastas were calm and focused unbeknownst to them the cries of torment from the white haired girl. White glowing cracks emerged from her jaw and under her glowing white eyes as she released the powerful magic spell she had cast. After a moment or so she slumped to the ground unconscious and breathing heavily, Everyone re-opened their eyes as magic rushed around them. Candy glanced towards Sasha, both sharing fretted expressions, looked around for their friend. Their eyes soon fell upon a spot where black smoke ascended, Slender looked at the duo in worry as they rushed towards the dark smoke. Coughing as they covered their eyes, Candy gasped, her eyes gleaming with water as she glanced at Lizzie's weak form.

"L-lizzie!!" Sasha shouted, rushing over and picking up the unconscious girl.

Everyone gasped, worry and fear circulating inside them, With a quick snap they were inside a clinic like room. Lizzie seemed to change, Her pink hair fading to a lighter one, her already pale complexure turned paler. Candy was crying as she dialed the numbers '42-42-564' on a glass and said 'whenever you want to knock on deaths door' before a worried Grim Reaper Appeared on the glass, much to everyone's shock, He became more anxious as his glowing eyes glanced at his daughter.

"What happened?" He asked, fear laced to his words as he looked more anxious.

"I-i.. I'm sorry uncle.. I-i didn't know she was going to risk her life JUST to make us stronger!" Candy sobbed, her nose turning red as more tears fell.

"Its fine my dear, I'll inform your father.. I'll be there tomorrow along with Lizzie's mother.. I'll see you tomorrow Candice" With that the reflection turned blank.

"You.. are.. not.." Slendy trailed of confused.

"Sisters.. no.. we're cousins.." Candy stated with a pinch of regret, she felt bad for lying, normally she'd tell the truth but orders are orders.

"We'll discuss this tomorrow.. let's work on Lizzie first" E.J said with concern while every boy glared at him with jealousy.

As time flew by, It was already 4 am when Ej finished, He seemed relaxed making us at ease. A sudden roar of lightning startled all of the pastas, A dark misty cloud could be seen in the doorway followed by a few coughs here and there. Soon a tall figure appeared holding a shiny sharp scythe wearing a dark black cloak, Two glowing red eyes that intimidated every pastas stepped out of the smoke. A smack could be heard around the room followed by a loud painful groan, A tall lady appeared glaring at the previous man with a frown, She had a very pale complexure and long white hair that faded to a light pink color. She had piercing red eyes and wore a tiara and a white goddess dress, though she looked extremely pissed she looked absolutely gorgeous like Lizzie.

"For the hundred time Grim! Stop using that lightning of yours or so help me  I'll throw you to the sea of monsters" The Woman said with a scowl clearly scaring the Grim reaper in front of her.

"He..he.. sorry Alexandra love, Ehem, Excuse us" Grim said with a slight laugh as his wife fumed in rage.

"My poor baby" The woman whispered softly, inching near the senseless girl that peacefully slept.

Lizzie's pov

The dark abyss seemed endless as I kept looking around trying to escape the boring and frightful darkness, It felt like a maze as I tried to find my way out. It was suffocating, I felt numb as I helplessly ran around hoping for any sign of light or an exit. Soon enough a bright light shone in front of me, about a centimeter or so, In excitement I ran forward passing through the light. The once dim and dark surroundings turned to a white room where all the pastas stood talking to my father and mother, I glanced around spotting my unvoluntary form lying on the white cotton like fabric of the bed, countless of wires stuck on different parts of my body, along with the beeping of the metal heart monitor beside the bed. As confused as I am, I tried to walk and touch my mothers shoulder but sadly it went through. 

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