Chapter 19

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Third person's pov
It was yet again another busy monday, the people rushing around in their uniforms, either rushing to work or to school. Beyond the woods however, the pasta's gathered around in separate groups, swords, bows, guns, magic, and etc., quickly glancing at their opponents waiting for them to strike. However the two "sisters" stood above the cave entrance, their eyes carefully surveying the pastas, a satisfied grin spreaded across their lips as they watch them fight smoothly. They each held their weapons, a sycthe and a sword, defensively waiting for anyone to attack them. A sudden movement caused both of them to point their dangerously sharp weapons on slenderman's neck causing him to teleport elsewhere.

"They learned fast" Candice said. Her turquoise hair bouncing from its bun.

"Yes, yes they have. although, this only means war is coming soon.. Sooner than expected" Lizzie said calmly. Her red eyes hardening its stare.

Candice sighed, she has never seen her cousin over work herself, her aqua orbs switching its glance towards him. Her pale cheeks slightly reddening as she caught his glance. Little did she know her companion smirked in amusement. She averted her gaze towards the trees not wanting her cousin knowing of her tiny crush on someone.

"I saw that y'know" A voice said causing her to stumble back and yelp.

"W-what d-do you m-mean?!" She asked a blush evident on her pale cheeks.

"Having a crush on him aye?" Lizzie asked teasingly glancing at the said boy.

"W-what?! N-n-no!!" Candice yelled back denying her feelings once again.

"You can't hide it forever Cy.." Lizzie said glancing also at a particular boy.

Without noticing, Lizzie silently jumped upwards to a thick tree branch, lifting her facemask to hide her lips and nose. Swiftly, she ran and leaped from tree to tree until she finally reached her destination. Below her were two boys who were slacking off and just telling some odd stories. Silently, she hung herself upside down making the two pastas yell as she quietly said 'boo'.

"why aren't you both practicing?" I asked both Sonic and Tails who akwardly rubbed their necks.

"W-we.. Uh.." Sonic started, stuttering as I focused my gaze to him.

"There's a racing track over there you know.. We need fast pastas too" Lizzie said fixing herself as she landed on the ground.

"Really?" Tails asked, his red eyes gleaming in excitement.

With a nod they both dashed off towards the track, chuckling the white haired female rushed back to her old spot without Candice noticing that she left.

After another 3 hours of practicing, the tired pastas layed on the grass, breathing heavily from exhaustion. Others could barely keep their eyes open, sweat rolled off from their foreheads to their neck. It wasn't their fault for practicing 3 hours straight without breaks nor water. It was already 6 in the evening, stars glittered in the dark sky along with the moon lighting everything up.

"C'mon you guys! Let's g-" not finishing her sentence she quickly ducked avoiding an axe.

With a quick incantation, the unfamiliar girl was soon trapped in a blue cage causing it to gasp.

"What the he-" the girl couldn't finish her sentence as she glared at the white haired female.

"Who. Are. You" She demanded her red orbs staring at the intruders eyes.

The ghoul refused to talk, her grey eyes hardening its glare at the furious female in front of her. The white haired girl let out a dark chuckle, causing the ghoul to be confused.

"I don't need to know. I have the list of dead people. Idiot. You can't escape a grim reaper" She said her voice sharp and evil.

"W-wha-" The ghoul was yet cut off again as the famale spoke calmly.

"Erica Danes. Born July 15th of 1990. Death June 23rd 2004.. You've been hit by a car while walking on the road." Smirking in satisfaction, Lizzie stared at the ghoul with amused eyes.

"H-how did you..." The Ghoul started before hardening her glare, she disappeared and re-appeared in front of Lizzie stabbing her with a syringe slowly emptiying the blue and purple liquid.

With that the ghoul left causing Lizzie to fall backwards and hitting the ground with a thud. Small black and blue tattoos appeared on her arms and legs, her eyes turning purple and her hair having blue streaks.

"LIZZIE!!" Candice yelled causing the feline to chuckle.

"I'm fine Candz! Come on let's go home" She said leaving the pasta's dumbfounded behind her.

As they arrived at the mansion Lizzie sped towards her room before falling to her bed with a groan, she clutched her head and closed her eyes tightly. Blue and red strings wrapped around her as she laid down motionless, her mind blank and her eyes dull, with a tug she stood up like a puppet, staring blankly at the carpeted floor. Her soul being controlled by the demon she hated the most, her mouth formed a grin as her eyes flashed blue, the string turned invisible as they kept controlling the poor girl. Upon reaching the living room, the pasta's stared at her with a bewildered stare, Lizzie held an ax her eyes dull and her lips formed a frown.

"Child?" Slender asked. An eeary laugh caused everyone to jolt.

"If you ever want your little princess back.. You have to give me what I want!!" A demonic voice said and soon Lizzie vanished without any trace.

"Zalgo" Candice said with a scowl, she fell to her knees with tears falling from her eyes.

"We HAVE to find her!" Jane yelled black tears falling from her black eyes.

"Y-yeah.. S-she's r-right" silver said slowly shrinking away from the stares he got.

"C'mon! Lets go!" Slender said absolutely ticked off. Lizzie was like a daughter to him, polite and mannerful.

With that we transported to the underworld where demons scattered around guarding the palace and the others training for the upcoming war.


Sorry for not updating that much guys.. I really am..

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