Chapter 27

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Narrator's pov

The frosty morning breeze drifted around the open window of Lizzie's room, with a slight movement, She turned around and drew her covers closer for warmth. A couple of minutes later a loud ringing noise blared next to the sleeping girl,  a loud growl a powerful crash could be heard around the household. The clattering sound woke up two girls inside of the house like room, In a dash they were inside the room with sweat drops as they stared at a growling girl and a crushed blue alarm clock.

"Seriously Lizzie? that's the 3rd alarm I bought you!!" Candice said with a face palm, The said girl glared at her and huffed before transporting to the kitchen.


In the kitchen, plenty of food were placed on the long wooden table, A tall slender creature staring at his masterpiece in admiration, not until a loud cough erupted behind him. He screamed as he stared at the girl that stared at him with blank sleepy look, huffing he looked at her with a quivering smile, The girl simply grabbed the mug that had coffee in his hands and transported away.

"That child.." Slender said with a small puff of air, He sighed before calling everyone to the dinning room.

Soon everyone piled inside and sat at their designated seat aside from Lizzie and Hoodie, Meanwhile In a nearby lake, Lizzie sat by the edge kicking the water slightly causing a small splashing sound happen. Hoodie sat beside her, quietly admiring her as she continuously kicked the stream with a soft smile.

"Did you know.. The subtle feeling of the water when you kick it relaxes my nerves.." She murmured silently as she smiled at a flustered hoodie, glad enough his mask hid his cherry red face.

"O-Oh.. C-can w-we g-g-go b-back n-n-now?" He stuttered as he looked away from the ravishing adorable girl in front of him, a small smile soon appeared on her lips before nodding and heading back.

Hoodie's pov

I sighed quietly as I walked beside Lizzie, She was walking normally, for me.. Her pink hair flowed along with the wind looking like soft waves, Her stunning blue eyes glistened every now and then because of the sun that hit them, her pale complexure looked as if she was glowing. I blushed as she looked at me with a puzzled stare, She giggled before looking back to the front and continuing her merry way to the mansion. 

"We're here!!" She said, suddenly acting like a child before skipping inside, I sighed before clutching my chest.

'Dear Zalgo riding a pony.. What does this girl do to me?' I thought to myself before entering the obnoxiously loud mansion.

"There you are! Where have you been man!" Masky asked sounding a bit jealous before pulling me to the kitchen where a cheesecake sat on the table.

"Just out with Liz, S-she a-asked me to c-come w-with" I stuttered quite flustered at the thought of us together alone in the woods enjoying a calm atmosphere.

"Oh" Masky replied, sounding a little disappointed and angry, I get that almost everyone likes the girl.. but.. I LOVE her..

Sasha's pov

I sat quietly in the backyard, admiring the beautiful purple colored tulips, not until a hand tapped my shoulder lightly, I turned around and stared at the smiling killer in front of me with a quizzical stare.

" I-i noticed you l-like th-hose f-flowers.. s-so I b-bought you one" Jeff said looking away as he hand me the same purple tulips as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Oh uh.. thanks Jeff" I mumbled, a light pink dusting my cheeks as I looked away in embarrassment.

We stayed like that for a minute or three, An awkward silence caging us as we stared anywhere aside from each other. Still flustered I looked away, pursing my lips before standing up and sighing, I turned towards Jeff and smiled and helped him up.

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