Chapter 37

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Candice's Pov

Something felt wrong, I felt a twitch in my heart warning me about something but... what? I strolled along the hallway of the mansion, looking at the photos that hung on the wall. Something in my gut says the future is near, I frowned and glanced around, I would be lying if I said I was not scared nor worried. I really am, Fear clouded my mind like a rainstorm, I hadn't noticed that I bumped into a certain white-haired girl.

"Candice? Are you alright?" She asked her tone filled with worry, she handed out her hand and helped me up.

"I'm fine, I was just thinking about something.." I said, She looked at me with a small smile before locking me in an embrace.

Suddenly, I felt something pierce my stomach, I let go of her and looked at my bleeding abdomen in shock. The girl before me morphed into the beast I hated the most, Zalgo, He stood there with a mocking smile. His eyes glinting with bloodlust as he held up a knife, my eyes widen as I saw a figure come next to him. Chains locked her wrists, feet, and neck, Her eyes were no longer bright but it was now clouded with pain. Her white hair had strands standing up and her whole body was covered with cuts and bruises. 

"W-what d-did y-you guh... Do to her?" I asked, the pain from my abdomen grew causing me to grunt in pain. I glared at the demon that laughed at my horrid state.

"This will happen if you don't come with me," he said with a smirk, His eyes looked at me with intimidation, I glanced at Lizzie only to see her on her knees grasping the chain on her neck that seems to glow a red color.

"A-Ah! I-It b-burns!" She yelped, her eyes closing tightly as tears rolled down her cheeks. mnb

I tried reaching out to her, but soon it all faded to black. I bolt up, cold beads of sweat falling down my face, I grabbed my head as my eyes tightly sealed. It was 2 in the morning and that damn demon destroyed my slumber. I groggily placed my face on my hands, wiping away sweat that dripped from my forehead.

"That stupid bastard" I mumbled with a glare, My orbs wandering around the room.

I sighed and laid back down, my eyes staring at my ceiling that was adorned with glowing stars, The sight was ever so calming. The azure color of the sky slowly turning brighter as the sun soon peaked out in the horizon. I stood up and did my normal routine, changing to my normal pastel clothes.

"Are they awake?" I mutter before leaving my room and slowly peak inside the girls' rooms.

Sasha seemed fast asleep under her duvet, Vivian was cutely snoring while snuggling closer to her pillow. As I reached the final room I froze, Lizzie was there blankly staring at the wall. Her eyes looked restless, her hair was a complete mess and she was deathly pale. Only then I realized she was losing sleep, nor was she eating much. I sighed quietly and left to go to the kitchen, swiftly I prepared breakfast for the four of us, seeing as if the others won't wake up anytime soon.

"Candice...why are you up so early?" A soft sleepy voice asked.

I looked up from my phone, my aqua eyes meeting with my cousin's yellow ones. Vivian sat in front of me, a yawn escaping her lips as she rubbed her sleep-ridden eyes.

"Vivian... no matter what happens in the war... promise me you'll protect Lizzie?" I asked out of the blue, knowing what will happen to me as I gave her a reassuring smile.

"Of course I would, Why do you ask?" She asked, slight worry in her tone.

"Nothing" I replied shortly, my attention being stolen away by my phone.

Soon I hear footsteps coming down the stairs making me glance up from my phone, Lizzie stood there with dark circles under her eyes. She snapped her fingers causing them to disappear and return herself back to her normal and healthy state. 

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