Chapter 10

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Lizzie's pov
The song that played on my alarm woke me up from my slumber, a soft yawn escaped my dry pink lips as I stretched out my tense muscles. Looking at the time with a glare, however realization soon hit me causing me to groan in frustration. Today was school, I was always home schooled since I dreaded to go to that hell and look what happened now. With a small growl I forced myself to take a short warm shower, after a few minutes I got out and changed to some clothes and styled my hair.

 With a small growl I forced myself to take a short warm shower, after a few minutes I got out and changed to some clothes and styled my hair

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I soon walked out of my bedroom and walked down to candice and I's kitchen where I decided to cook some scrambled eggs and bacon

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I soon walked out of my bedroom and walked down to candice and I's kitchen where I decided to cook some scrambled eggs and bacon. After putting them in plate and serving them im the table I made two warm latteś a vanila for me and a caramel for Candice.

"Good morning Lizzie" Candice said with a small yawn.

I nodded and gave her latte to her and sipped on mine as I ate silently. After eating I went to the living room and grabbed both of my phones and my bag, deciding to wait for candice in the actual living room downstairs along with the others.

"Hey Lizzie" Clockwork said with a small smile.

"Hello" I greeted back softly.

"Why are you wearing your hood up? Also.. Why are you wearing a black face mask?" Jane asked while she sat in front of me.

"I don't want boys swooning over me" I plainly stated remembering our time in the mall.

"Oh.. Right.." Jane said sweat dropping.

"Slender? Can I stay at MY house with the girls? I promise we'll visit when you need us" I asked already missing my house.

"Sure..  But..  Make sure to come in time we'll visit too" Slender said making me bounce and smile.

"Boys.. I do NOT want to ride with you so.. You guys take the bus while me and the girls take MY car" I said already cringing to the thought of driving with those lunatics.

I exited the house and rode on my car, Candice declaired to be seated in shotgun while jane and clockwork was on the back. Soon enough I drove off arriving in school less than 30 minutes, I walked out and locked my car not wanting it to get rob or messed up I casted a simple deadly spell.

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