Narumi awoke with her body on something hard. She knew it must've been a the ground or at least a floor so hard it resembled stones. It was cold,too. Not that it bothered her much. What bothered her was that when she actually opened her eyes,her hands were tied in ropes as well as her legs.
"What the.."
"Ah,you've awoken!" His voice was like a knife piercing through her brain. She hated Toneri's voice already,and she'd only heard it a couple of times during short periods. Still,the wrath for him was incredible.
"Tying me in ropes..There's gotta be a compliment to it." Narumi muttered as Toneri smiled at her,walking her way. Only then did she see that she was actually being tied on the floor next to a big wall,in a castle made of stone. Quite fancy,though.
"You've woken up."
"Well did you expect me to be sleeping all my life?" Toneri smiled frankly enough and got down on his knees in front of her. She eyed him weirdly as he studied her face.
"What is it about you?" Narumi narrowed her eyes in confusion.
"I've never witnessed someone like you. Sharingan and byakugan.." Narumi didn't really know what to say.
"All the Namikaze with the true Namikaze blood have at least one of the eyes,"she said bitterly. "My cousin has she byakusharingan. My brother can use the kotoamatsukami multipe times,regardless how many times he's used it."
"So you are a Namikaze then.." Toneri said,realisation coming to his eyes. He almost gawked at her,looked at her in a way that reminded her of the way Sasuke looked at her,or the way..Kakashi looked at her. The thought of Kakashi and Sasuke ached in her heart.
"You are the beautiful beast I've heard of so much," Toneri then said,about to touch her chin as he did. "You really have won my heart."
Sasuke's POV;
Sasuke felt as if he couldn't breath anymore. It was as if every nerve in his body had awoken. His heart was raising,his eyes were filled with anger. He had so much rage in him he couldn't bare it anymore. Sasuke punched the nearest tree harder than ever and punched it again,and again,and again..
"Sasuke.." Sakura said.
"Ahh!" Sasuke punched the tree so hard it almost broke,surprisingly enough. Naruto and the others looked at him as he raged.
"We'll get her back,Sasuke.." Shikamaru said quietly,but Sasuke was in so much rage even his sharingan and rinnegan came to sight.
"I want her back now!" Sasuke spat at him. "I'll kill him! I'll kill him!"
He had lost Narumi once..Which was enough.. He didn't want to loose her again,and certainly not to that idiot. Sasuke felt like he couldn't breath if he didn't get to see her safe.
"Calm down-"
"There's no time for calming down,Sakura!" Sasuke shouted at Sakura. "We have to get her...We have to...get her back!!" Toneri could have taken anyone else..Sakura,Shikamaru,Naruto,Sasuke himself. But why Narumi.. Out of all people,why her?
"I need her back.."
"I want Hinata back,too-"
"This is Narumi,Naruto!" Sasuke spat at Naruto,walking straight in front of him,glaring into his best friends eyes. "Your sister! Your Narumi! Your twin! My Narumi!" The last words had just been coming out naturally. He couldn't control himself from actually saying those last words.
He had never loved anyone like this before..He had never wished to be with anyone this much.. He loved her,and he'd die for her.
The place they were in was weird enough,but this is probably where Toneri would keep Hinata and Narumi. This must be it. After all,he almost burned a hole in the eart. They must be somewhere around here.
"Naruto,can't you use Kurama to connect with Narumi?"
"I can try." Naruto said. This would only be logical,considering that Naruto's and Narumi's tailed beast are on in the same. They can probably pin point each other.
"They're deffinitely somewhere around here.." Naruto confirmed,telling them to follow him. Sasuke hoped that Narumi was okay.
If not,he'd make sure that Toneri's head would be on a pole on the moon itself if there even was as much as a scratch on her.
Narumi's POV;
Narumi wasn't able to tie herself from the ropes,hadn't been able to do much except for moving. Toneri wouldn't be foolish enough to tie her up in ropes if it had no effect. Something with the rope kept her from using her chakra,and there was nothing sharp here,and not to mention the ropes were very difficult to break through. She decided to give up,she knew her friends would come to rescue her.
It was only a matter of time.
She wondered,though,where Hinata was.
Suddenly,Narumi heard footsteps. But it was the footsteps of someone she barely recognized. A girl,a bandage over her eyes,walking around as if she still knew where to go.
"Is someone here?" And her voice..
"Narumi..." Narumi could see her smile a little as she tried to walk towards Narumi's voice. It was Hanabi..She had grown,and her hair was so long.. But,her eyes...
"Hanabi,why do you-"
"He took my eyes away from me." Narumi held in her breath for a little,seeing how Hanabi decided to give up on pin pointing her location. After all,there was nothing Hanabi could really do.
"None the matter..I need to free you."
"How do you know that I'm not 'free'."
"I've been with him enough to know that he wouldn't let someone as powerful as you be walking freely around the castle." True. Toneri does look like that kind of guy after all.
"There's nothing you can do. You can't see,remember?" Narumi didn't mean to sound rude,but it had just came out that way. She hoped Hanabi would understand.
"I can try.." Well,Hanabi did had Narumi's swords,which Narumi had no idea how Hanabi found.
"You won't have to." Narumi had been here,if she counted right,for about twelve hours,without sleep,yet in front of her,already,was Sasuke and Naruto.
"Sasuke!" Narumi's eyes lit up as she saw him. She didn't expect herself to react this way,nor did she expect him to give her the same look. But he looked relieved when he saw her. He ran towards her,smiling,surprisingly enough.
"We're getting you out of here."
"Hurry,I think Shikamaru and Sai might need some help!" Izuka said,popping up from nowhere. Sasuke quickly cut her ropes with his blade and once Narumi was free..
She lounged herself at him,her arms going straight around his neck as she hugged him. He seemed a bit surprised himself,but seconds later he hugged her tightly back. She actually wanted to cry. She had no idea that..That she'd miss him this much.
"It's okay.." he said,kissing her forehead. "I'm here." Narumi's heart was racing..Finally,she could hug Sasuke without caring.
"Come on guys,we need to look for Hinata!" Naruto said,but then..
Toneri came in front of Naruto,pushing him aside as he flew in to the nearest wall. "You won't have to," he said. "I already killed her,decided to make Narumi my bride."

A Ninja Heart (Naruto Fanfic,Completed)
FanfictionThe greatest beauty of the village was also the monster of the village,with the Nine tails powers inside of her. With a twin brother of the same curse Narumi Uzumaki tries her best to protect herself and her brother Naruto. But what they did not kn...