Narumi's heart was beating faster than ever as she ran,only looking forward.
She made a turn to the right of the department and heard people yelling after her. "Surrender!" But she would never surrender. She refused to give up,she refused to be moved,to be a test.
Narumi opened a door and suddenly out of nowhere,a hand grabbed onto her and with great srength made her turn left.
It was Sasuke,always there to save her. He wasn't suppose to be here..
Sasuke held her hand as they both ran. He opened another door,to a dorm room,and quikcly opened the window.
"Jump!" he shouted at her,her blades and weapons hanging onto her body. She looked confused,but once he jumped and the guards shouted behind them,Narumi made a jump,too.
And now,the two of them started to run until they'd see the rest.
Two days ago;
Narumi stood in front of the lords,her mask on her face considering she'd just come back from a mission. It seemed,they had yet another mission for her.
But Narumi had a feeling this was going go to bad. She knew that the Feudal Lords feared her,and sometimes she even feared herself,but something in their eyes was different today. Was it the way some of the best guards were in the room?
"Namikaze..An exceptional fighter,a warrior,she's defeated two Otsutsuki members so far." But not by myself,Narumi thought. She instantly knew someone wanted a hiring for her to kill someone. Which is good,it pays good money.
"Take your mask off,girl." A voice said as she bowed. She had no choice but to listen,if she wanted the money she'd get even more by showing respect. Narumi obeyed and took off her mask,looking straight at the man whom she recognized from somewhere...But he didn't recognize her.
"A girl this beautiful should not be a warrior.."
"She's the most powerful one,and talented,I highly su-"
"Yes,yes!" the man said. "I'll hire her,no doubt.. Now,as for the information of the mission-stand up girl-" Narumi stood up and looked at the man and Lord Ichigo.
"Your mission will be different from any other mission you've had," Lord Ichigo said with a wry nervous smile,as if he was scared of Narumi's reaction.
"Tell me about it." Narumi said then,giving a suspicious look. The man whom was to hire her started walking back and forth. Why didn't he do the mission himself? He looked strong,and wealthy.
"It's a mission you cannot refuse.."
"And why's that?" Narumi asked.
"Because if you do he'll personally behead you-"
"Or make you my wife,I haven't decided." Narumi tried to keep herself from smirking. Did he really think he could ever get her?
"Tell me,Lord Ichigo."
"Your mission is to kill the Kage's."
"Dream on." Narumi said,narrowing her eyes. Her blood froze,her eyes were burning. She may be an assassin,but she would never kill those whom basically are considered heroes,the Kage's.. Is he stupid?
"Narumi,we are the Feudal Lords-"
"And you think I would kill the Kage's? For what reason?"
"He's the most wealthy man in the world...besides,the Kage's can be replaced!" Narumi widedened her eyes at Ichigo and was filled with disgust and shock.
"For money?" Narumi silently asked. "You're doing this for money? Killing the most honoring people in history!" Narumi's body was filled with wrath. She didn't know what she wanted to do the most.. kill everyone in this room or just kill herself for hearing something so stupid.
"If we get this money we could-" Narumi turned on her heel and Looked sideways.
"I don't give a damn about the money." she said,determined. "I will not kill the Kage's,not over my dead body."
"If you don't you'll pay the price. And your brother-" Narumi turned around and threw a kunai to the man whom was to hire her.
"Speak of killing my brother again and I swear I'll gut you."
"Take her!" Narumi started running directly. She dind't plan on killing anyone,but despite that she'd have to injure them. The guards were some of the best..
She blocked a punch from behind,took the guard by the elbow and threw him in front and kicked the other one with her foot. She punched a guy from the side,her elbow breaking a nose. And just as she looked behind her there was a guard throwing a kunai at her,which she caught and threw behind her to another guard,althought not killing him. She ran for the guard in front of her,tackling him to the ground and holding his arm up. She probably fractured it or even broke it.
Narumi looked up. "I could kill all of you," she said,her eyes burning. "But I will not kill you,neither will I kill the five Kage.."
Once they had stopped they met with Izuka. They all agreed to Sumo staying at the Feudal Lords,and if needed send them a message about what's going on.
"You weren't suppose to follow me,Sasuke!" Narumi said to Sasuke,narrowing her eyes at him. He smirked at her,as if it were nothing. "Izuka,I told you-"
"You're my cousin," Izuka said,leaning against a tree in the shadows. "I won't let my cousin die,idiot. Of course I let him go,he wanted to."
"I could do it all by myself." Sasuke shook his head.
"Wrong..They planned on the whole assassin department to attack you and kill you..You know how skilled they are Narumi." True.. They are all very skilled,and if the Lords planned on all of them to kill her..
"They're after me.." Narumi whispered. "I'm up against the Feudal Lords now..Which means I'm also up against-"
"Every kage of every country..Their shinobi's as well. The Lords will probably come up with a lie." Izuka sighed and walked from the trees,his hands in his pockets. Izuka is about the smartest person Narumi knew,probably even smarter than Shikamaru. His brain didn't just work on fields and tactic,but it worked for future events as well.
He's never been wrong about anything.
"The Feudal Lords will tell a lie to make all the Kage's against you.. They will probably get a decoy and make you choose. They will try to send you a message,or more likely us."
"No." Narumi said,looking straight at Izuka. She did not plan for this..Izuka wasn't about to come,right? "You're not going to endanger your life just because of me. I won't let that happen. And not you either,Sasuke.."
"You know I'm coming whether you like it or not," Sasuke said,narrowing his eyes. "I'm not leaving your side for one second,and I think Izuka feels just the same about this. We're sticking together,Narumi."
"You idiot!" Narumi yelled at him with her big eyes piercing into him,making him cringe. "You're putting him at risk,you idiot!" she yelled,almost punching him before Izuka broke in.
"I want to get back to Sakura." he said,looking down at the ground. Narumi turned around solemnly. It wasn't a casualty to hear Izuka speak of his feelings.. Not ever.
"If there's one thing I want it's to be with Sakura again." he said stiffly. "And if I want her,I'll risk my life doing so."
Narumi knew how it was to risk their life for the sake of someone else. She basically risked her own life for Sasuke,to save him.. She wanted him to come back,and he did. But to get to that point,she put her life at risk. Because she loved him.
"Alright.." Narumi said,not being very happy about this. "Let's move on."

A Ninja Heart (Naruto Fanfic,Completed)
FanfictionThe greatest beauty of the village was also the monster of the village,with the Nine tails powers inside of her. With a twin brother of the same curse Narumi Uzumaki tries her best to protect herself and her brother Naruto. But what they did not kn...