A niece,a daughter,a Namikaze.

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This one is going to be extra long! So brace yourselves!

Sasuke's POV;

Once in a life time you get to love someone as much as you love that certain someone. You would walk through hell,through the gates of Hell,and through death itself,for that certain person. 

Sasuke had been ready to do that for the one woman he had wanted as his future,his wife,his everything.

"Sasuke!" Kakashi shook him by the shoulder,trying to get his attention as they took Narumi's body away from him,but he wouldn't let go of her. Cause once they touched her,his eyes were as deadly as ever. 

"Do not touch her." he warned the shinobi's trying to get her. He hadn't noticed it,but his sharingan was activated,and he hadn't even...he hadn't even progressed that she was dead. 

He could no longer marry this girl that buried his child,no longer call her name in the need of help.

2 days later

Naruto's POV;

Naruto was in his room,and he had been for the past two days. He didn't want to move,didn't want to see anyone.. 

The moment Naruto heard her heart beat stop,he felt like his own had stopped. He felt like his entire existence had been for nothing,and most of all he felt like he wanted to kill every living person for wanting to hurt his sister.

But today.. Today Naruto knew that he had to keep his promise to her. 

Despite that his beloved sister was dead,and that he felt utterly most dead inside,there was still a part of her living. 

And that part of her was inside Mikoto... Her very own daughter. The miracle baby that no one actually wanted,not even Sasuke at one point. But Sasuke hadn't left the hospital for a minute until he could see his daughter. 

The only living part of Narumi left. 

Naruto swore to himself that he'd let nothing happen to that little girl,to his niece. Not only for Narumi's sake,but also because he could never forgive himself if he let anything happen to that little girl. 

As Naruto walked to the hospital he kept thinking about everything.. He remembered on the streets how he and Narumi used to play,everyone giving them look of hatred,and she protecting him despite her being just as weak as him. 

Naruto fought the tears,but more and more memories seemed to appear. 

The whole walk to the hospital he hadn't said a word to anyone,and everyone had looked at him,pitied him,trying to smile kindly at him.. But Naruto hadn't looked at anyone. Not a single person. 

He entered the hospital and was met by Sakura and Izuka whom looked at him as he came inside. Everyone was in there,and everyone turned around to greet Naruto,everyone except Sasuke.. 

He seemed to be holding something when Naruto came closer and closer. He saw that it was a piece of clothing,stained with blood. Naruto still remembered how Sasuke had tried to get Narumi back that day in the hospital. 

And ripped a part of her clothing off,which was the last thing he was left with before they took her. 

He looked at it as if it was the only memory he had of her. A piece of clothing. 

And he looked miserable,for that fact. Naruto said nothing,but just sat beside his friend. 

"Mikoto is soon fully recovered." Sakura said,trying to sound as happy as possible,but even she was miserable. And Naruto knew it was because she'd lost her best friend,someone who was like a sister to her. 

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