Growing Beauty

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Toneri's eyes were stuck to her face,and somehow he was smiling yet not smiling at her.. It was a complicated look,a look Narumi couldn't yet help to look at.

"You have his face..His whiskers..Same eyes,and that nose.." He knew Naruto.. "You're the Uzumaki twin,are you not? Yes..words of you and your brother has spread everywhere." Narumi narrowed her eyes.

Should she attack him? He was after all a threat to the whole world.She could end him here..Right now. She could use her own skills to kill him alone,and get the deal done with. If she killed him,maybe everything would stop.

Narumi decided to attack. Picking up one of her blades she slowly looked at him,her eyes glowing as she looked as the blade pointed at him. Narumi was so oddly calm it looked scary. "Eliminate." she said,just as she started running towards him.

He wasn't ready she could tell,but he was fast..Narumi took up her flying raijin kunai and threw it towards his head where she teleported,suprising him as she took another kunai,throwing it beside him. She used her confusing technique,where people often would be very surprised to see her move at such many placed. Thanks to her kunais.

Finally,Narumi stopped behind him and tried slicing his back,which she had failed as he turned around,his face hardened. "What the hell!" he burst out just as Narumi kicked him away,running towards him faster than ever,just like the wind itself.

Her sword barely touched the ground as she jumped up,kicking his stomach several times,and cutting a piece of his clothing,landing on the ground gracefully.

"I will cut you to pieces,if that's what it takes."

"You just tried," Toneri mocked. "You can't get me.."

"Not in this mode." Narumi said,but just then men came behind Toneri. They all looked the same,black eyes,with something that looked like turbans. They were all tall,and if Narumi could say so herself,probably powerful,too. She smirked as men came flooding to her.

Narumi saw them all throwing jutsu bombs at her,which she dodged. Some bombs even touched her sword and simply were thrown in another direction. She dodged them all,that's the point..

Narumi was surrounded by at least fifty men. She had to kill them.. All of them. Narumi cut off the throat of one,and moved on to the next one,slicing them with her poisonous blade. One slice,that's all it took,and they'd all die from the poison. There was no cure for it,and not to mention even if there was,they'd all die within ten seconds. That was the effect from the poison.

Narumi jumped on one of the mans shoulder and strangled him,making a rasenshuriken and throwing it around in a circle,cutting off their waists as she gracefully landed on her legs on the ground,her sword upright before her face as her deadly calm eyes were glancing at Toneri.

The last one was right in front of her,he was bigger..But no different.

Narumi pointed her sword at the last man standing as her cold blue eyes shot daggers. "Eliminate." Within seconds,he was dead.

Surrounding her were dead bodies,only dead bodies except for Toneri whom was looking at her. Narumi didn't breath hard,was calm and fixed. She had learned how to kill more men than she could count without having to catch her breath. This was no different.

"I'm impressed..Not a single scratch." Narumi looked a thim with her emotionless face. She was calm,so calm,so closed. "Are you cold hearted,dear beuaty?" Just then Toneri smirked,laughing a bit as he looked at her.

He didn't seem evil,but his eyes were a big pile of lies. Narumi could see that.

"Narumi..It's ironic,it also means growing beauty. The seed of beauty." Narumi kept looking very calmly,making no moves. "I never thought Naruto Uzumaki had such a delicate sister,such power and beauty. Such purity-"

"There's no such thing as purity." Narumi said,keeping her eyes and voice calm. It was like she couldn't put the effort to have any emotions. She was like an empty bottle. At least for now. "I've killed countless men just now. Purity is an innocent soul. I am not."

"But you look pure." Narumi stared at him blankly. "I might just make you my second wife." Second wife? Did he really think he had a second choice here? Narumi smirked just a little.

"It's funny that you think that you have me as an option."

"And what of Hinata?" Toneri chuckled,seeing that Narumi hadn't acknowledged Hinata.

"I don't care what happens to her. She's Naruto's responsability."

"I see.." And within seconds he was starting to fade away. "I'll see you soon again." Narumi didn't hesitate for a moment and leaped for him,her sword high up.

Successfully,she'd wounded his hand. He stared at his hand and widened his eyes. Without hesitating,he took a knife from his own pocket and sliced his hand off. Narumi watched blankly as the blood poured and the hand fell to the ground with a thun.

He must have known her blade was poisonous... By cutting his hand before the poisoun could spread...

10 minutes later

"You butchered all these-"

"They weren't real life humans or shinobi." Narumi said,wiping her blade off. They had blood of course,but she knew they weren't actually human. "They're eyes were black.. They were all puppets,but somehow with real life bodies."

"You killed..killed all these puppets?" Sakura asked,her voice filled with horror. Narumi looked at her,eyes narrowed.

"Would you rather have them alive?" Narumi shot back,eyes like knifes when she looked at Sakura whom had been her dearest friend once.


"Good,let's move on." Narumi said. She felt the eyes of everyone on her,including her brother whom had walked close to her,looking at her across her shoulder. 

"You cut him." he said proudly,a weak smile on his face. Narumi closed her eyes,sighing.

"I managed to cut a bit of his hand,but he cut it off." Narumi said,taking up Toneri's bloody hand. "He should have been dead if it weren't for his courage to cut off a hand. His own hand,nonetheless."

"Okay,so what now?" Naruto asked her,just as she confusingly turned around. She wasn't confused,really..More likely aggressive and sharp minded. She felt like slapping him at that precise moment. 

"Why are you asking me?" Narumi shot back. "I thought you had everything planned." she said,just as she started to walk away from him. 

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