The Orphanage

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Disclaimer~ Not all orphanages are like this, in fact I'm not sure if there are even orphanges in this day and time so keep that in mind, also please dont make fun of my writing, I am still getting used to this whole writing thing!

Nikki's POV

I was humming like I did all the time, humming tunes that I was taught on my violin before I came here. "Didn't I tell you to shut up?" my roommate Adriana said. "Didn't I tell you that you aren't my mother?" I snapped.

"Whatever, I'm going to the pool, like a normal person. While you stay here and watch that junk. Also don't touch my stuff or i'll touch your beloved violin," she smiled. Not a nice friendly smile, a malicious evil smile.

"It's not junk," I murmured. "I can't wait until I'm adopted ," I thought "Then I can leave this place and get away from Adriana," A bell rang, usually that mean't we had company, which was quite rare considering this orphanage mostly contained 9-18 year olds, and the occasional child that was younger.

I was 12, not many people wanted a 12 year old that spends all her time watching YouTube and playing games. I made my bed, brushed my hair and teeth. The usual visiting procedures. I learned not to get my hopes up because i'm usually disappointed.

Adriana came back into the room looking very enraged. "I just jumped into the water!" she yelled, she started throwing a hissy fit. Okay, okay, it wasn't a hissy fit, it was more me laughing and her yelling and her face turning as bright as a tomato. Mrs. Rolland, the mistress of the orphanage, was walking around with a young lady named Diana Howe, she was a marine biologist, she was looking for someone who needed a home.

We were supposed to stand and talk to her but I got on my computer and mixed some music with a program, basically I found songs with the same beat and mashed them together, they actually sounded pretty cool.

Mrs. Rolland cleared her throat and gave me a Stand up and introduce yourself look. I got those a lot. Adriana was perfect as usual, she said please, thank you, welcome, and she seemed like an angel. I thought she was my first day here, I was 10, then I met her and found out she was extremely rude.

After a while another bell rang, it was signaling that the guest had left and it was time to get ready for bed. I wondered if anyone had gotten adopted, turns out James, a boy in my classes, did. "Lucky him," I thought.

I decided before I went to bed to check YouTube. After going through everyone's channel, Amy, Squid, Ash, Stampy, Sky, Sqaishey, Stacy, and Dan, I realized I hadn't checked Aphmau's channel.

I checked it was the usual Mini-game, tomorrow was Minecraft Diaries! I was so excited. I decided to check her vlog channel to see if she had the house tour up. The house tour wasn't but something else was.

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