Chapter 14: What to do

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Nikki's POV

My voice was deeper. What to do to this lovely place? the voice boomed. I fought it, as hard as I could. The kind me passed out while Demon me went on a rampage.

Aphmau's POV

I need to find Nikki before she turns! I hear a deep voice. No, no, no, no! She has already turned. Garroth had followed me. He laid his hand on my shoulder. I freaked out and punched him.

"Gah! Aphmau!" he yells. "Sorry! Be quiet though," I whisper yell to him. He nods. I'm going to have to use my powers to knock Nikki out. Her demon senses peoples moves to easily.

I hold my hands up and concentrate. They started to glow. Nikki fell on the floor. I had to get her to the real world before she woke up! She couldn't go demon in a world without much magic.

"Garroth, until I get back to explain...Your in charge of Phoenix Drop. Okay?" I say to him. He nods. Then I disappear.

Jason's POV

I was sitting there just waiting. I couldn't tell what was happening, but I didn't think it was good. There was a flash of light and Aphmau appeared back in the room carrying Nikki.

I stood up, she almost ran upstairs. Nikki was in some sort of weird form. Aphmau laid Nikki on her bed. We waited, and waited. Worried she would never wake up.

Nikki's POV

I woke up to see Aphmau and Jason sitting next to me. Aphmau looked like she had been crying. Jason...Well he looked a little mad. It was Sunday, I was asleep for 2 days.

Tomorrow I had school. I couldn't miss school. I was told I was never allowed into the basement without permission. I agreed, I didn't want to be taken over again by that demon. I still had a headache from it.

-:-:-Time skip because Author~Chan is to lazy to write about going to bed-:-:-

It was time for school. I put on a lacy white dress with sandals, a brown belt and a denim jacket. (Above) Aphmau said I was going to have to take the bus because they wouldn't have time today to take me to middle school and Julia and Joseph to Elementary/Preschool.

I sat lonely on the bus. It was kinda awkward. A girl came and sat next to me. "Hi, I'm Sera, what your name?" she asked. I mumbled quietly "Nikki..." she could tell I was nervous. "No need to be nervous, If ya want I can show you around," she offered.

"I'd like that," I said. We started talking. We had a lot in common. Like she loved singing and music, she liked video games, and turns out her favorite youtuber was Aphmau. We talked and talked.

She walked me to the front office when We got to the Middle school. "Hi, I'm Nikki, I'm new and I need my schedule." I said. "My...Mom...Jessica (Insert last name here) should have gotten me registered. The lady at the front desk handed me my schedule.

"Thank you!" I said. Sera was waiting outside. "Nikki! What do you have?" she asked. I showed her my schedule.

Homeroom~ Mr. Whitman

1) Math (Mrs. Khare *Care*)

2) Music (Mrs. Johnson) ~Includes Orchestra and chorus~

3) Social studies (Mrs. Owen)

4) P.E. (Mrs. Cornwell)

5) P.E (Mrs. Cornwell)

6) Science (Mr. Sprinkle)

7) Art (Mrs. A) ~I don't know how to spell her name~

8) English and Language Arts (Mr. Whitman)

"We have the exact same classes!" she shrieked attracting loads of attention. I smiled. Usually I was the one who attracted attention because of something weird or silly I did. We walked to Homeroom. It was going to be a long day!

A/N~ Hey Guys! Diamond here! So for the schedule I just want to say, These are all real teachers in my school. These are all my teachers. Mrs. A (Can't spell her last name yet) is really my art teacher. I will put her name in when I know how to spell it but right now I can't b/c I dont have a yearbook yet with her in it! I'll stop writing now! Bye!

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