Chapter 12: The Truth

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Garroth's POV

I am thoroughly confused right now, one minute Aphmau wasn't there the next she was!I think I passed out, because the girl with tealy/bluish/greenish hair-I think Aphmau called her Nikki-was standing over me.

I sat up suddenly and I hit her head causing her to fall. "Hey!" she yelled. Aphmau glared at her obviously she wasn't happy with this girls behavior. The girl kicked a tree, and hard...It was strange, she showed no sign of pain or emotion; other than anger. Aphmau grabbed the girl and they disappeared. What in Irene's name is going on?!

Nikki's POV

Aphmau is not happy...At all...I was scared..She didn't do anything, she just told me to go to my room. I sat on my bed. The lyrics of a song popped into my head, I was 100% sure I had never heard the song before. I searched it up on YouTube and sure enough it was a real song. I feel asleep. I had a dream, no a nightmare, I woke up in tears. I was scared.

Aphmau came into my room a while later, she said she had to tell me something.

(Italics is Aphmau speaking because Author~Chan is to lazy to put she said and she paused)

Nikki..My videos............Your not from this world, your from the world that I call Minecraft Diaries. When you were little around 7 or 8 the world was in shambles. There were murders at every corner. Your mother, your birth mother that is, didn't want you getting hurt. So she sent you away. To this world. But, she wanted to keep you safe. She didn't want you to remember her. It would have been to dangerous. She asked a witch to turn you into a baby, where in this world you would be 12 but in the other world you would be 19. My videos aren't stories I made up. Those things are really happening. There are people, like you and I, who can travel between these realms. I make the truth look innocent by showing it through a game. Nikki, you have powers. More than just traveling between realms. You are powerful. Part Demon, and part Angel. The angel was from your mother. Your father couldn't help but fall for her. You have both sides. You were sent he- She was cut short, I ran out of the room.

All my memories came flooding back to me. My friends, family, my village. I killed half my village, and my friend watched me, He watched as I killed his family.

Yet he was still my friend, I also remembered Aphmau. As my Guardian. My teacher. She tried controlling the demon in me, nothing would work though. I ran to the basement, I sent myself back into the "Alternate Realm" Garroth was there, he was about to attack. Kill him, KILL HIM! a voice was yelling in my head.

Anger filled me up a little to much. She shouldn't have told me I was part Demon, because that awoke the demon inside. An Angelic Demon sword appeared, I grabbed it and slashed at Garroth and Dante. I hit Garroth's leg, and I cut Dante's side. I had injured both quite badly.

I left them, anger and hatred filled me more, and now a thirst for blood. (WOAH WHEN DID YOU BECOME A VAMPIRE NIKKI?!?!?) I ran through Phoenix Drop and hurt people. I fell, I turned normal. I saw all the pain I had caused. I ran.

Far away, far into the woods. Then I sang, a song I didn't even know I knew. I saw my friend appear, even though I knew it was impossible.

You Made a Mistake

On The Day that you met me

And lost your way

You saw all the signs

But you let it go

You closed your eyes

I should've told you to leave

'Cause I knew all the time you couldn't handle me

But your hard to resist

When your on your knees

Begging me

I'll tear you down

I'll make you bleed eternally

Can't help myself

from hurting you when it's hurting me

I don't have wings

to fly with me won't be easy

'Cause I'm not an Angel

I'm not an Angel

Hate being that wall

that you hit when you feel like

you gave it all

I keep taking the blame

But we both know I'll never change

I'll tear you down

I'll make you bleed eternally

Can't help myself

from hurting you when it's hurting me

I don't have wings

to fly with me won't be easy

'Cause I'm not an Angel

I'm not an Angel

I wasn't always this way

I used to be the one with the halo

That disappeared when I had my first taste

and fell from grace, it left me

in this place

Now I'm starting to think maybe you like it

I'll tear you down

I'll make you bleed eternally

Can't help myself

from hurting you when it's hurting me

I don't have wings

to fly with me won't be easy

'Cause I'm not an Angel

I'm not an Angel

I'm not an Angel

I'm not an Angel

I'm not an Angel

I'm not an Angel

I sat there quietly and started to cry.

Hey Guys, Author~Chan here! (And Coral) Sorry if this seems long, its mainly the song that took up the space, (Silly Diamond) Coral shush! Well that's all hope you enjoy!

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