Chapter 20: Escape

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Nikki's POV

I could fake my death. If they think I'm dead then, I can just change my identity. If I was "dead" then they couldn't declare war on Phoenix Drop.

Especially if they see it happen. Easiest way, pretend to drown in front of a few guards, they will get blamed for not saving me. They can't swim in armor anyways. I'm a fairly good swimmer, but I'm better at holding my breath.

I would be allowed to the river if accompanied by a few guards, that's when I'd "trip" and fall in. I'd scream for help, the guards to stupid to jump in, I'd hole my breath and let the stream take me far enough away where

I can get out without being seen. My fitting was over. "May I go to the river?" I asked innocently to Ivy. "It will make me less reluctant to marry Zane," I add.

She was glad to have an excuse to "lose me" for a while. "Sure, guards accompany Mrs. Nikki to the river," she said. I jumped out of the dress and went to change. I was forced to wear black, the dress wasn't to bad though.

I decided a light dress would be better so I could swim. "Okay," I say as I finish dressing. The river flows South, it should pass Scaleswind. That's when I'll get out. We walked into a lovely garden.

For this being Zane, it was actually quite beautiful. I sat next to the river and played in it. I "accidentally" leaned in to much and fell in the water. "Help! Help!" I yelled. The guards had walked off. A maid was watching from a window and heard my crys.

She winked at me, like she knew what I was doing. She ran off, "Help! I can't swim!" I yelled as I kept bobbing under the water. Those were my final crys that could be made out.

I "drowned". By the time the maid and the guards got to the river, I was gone. The river so deep that my "body" would be lost forever. Perfect I thought. I flowed a while until I knew I was away from O'khasis.

I came up and gasped heavily. I swam to Scaleswind. By the time I reached the village it was dark. I ran through the village until I saw The lords house. I went and knocked on the door. I started crying.

Hey, I am a good actor. A woman with mahogany red hair opened the door. "Please you have to help me please." I cried. "I-I was in O'khasis but managed to escape. Please, please hid me." I begged. I hated begging but it worked.

"It's okay," she said soothingly. "My name is Nicole. What's yours?" she asked. I had to think quick "I-it's Sierra," I said through sobs. "Come on in Sierra, you must be freezing. Did you escape by river or something?" she asked.
I nodded. "Don't worry, your safe here." she said.

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