Chapter 24: The Plan

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Malachi's POV

Is it appropriate to say that you are embarrassed by your brother's behavior? If it is, I am embarrassed. He left mom in tears, I knew Nikki heard.

Or Alexa. Whatever her name is. Her eyes were open the entire time. I saw her close them when Aphmau turned to look at her. I had looked everywhere but one place. Sure enough, I found Levin at the Irene statue.

Figures, he does all his thinking up here. I stood for a moment before clearing my throat. "Did Aphmau send you?" he asked harshly.

He must be very mad, he didn't even call her mom. "No, I came because your my brother." I said. He scoffed, "Your nothing but a ghost that turned into a boy," that hurt.

He knew that was a sore subject for me. "Levin, I know your stressed, especially now that we know a Nether Portal is open. But you have to keep your cool. You can't just blow up like that. Aphmau may not be your birth mom, but she did raise you." I said.

"What about those 15 years she missed? Huh?! What about when we were growing up into teenagers? Adults? What about those time when we needed her most?! Where was she? She was in that dimension all because one of her guards ran off!" he was shouting now.

I sighed, she did miss 15 years of our lives. She left us with Zoey. "Levin," I said quietly. "You know she wanted to be there. You know she hates herself for missing our growing up. Lords have special bonds with their guards. Aphmau's bond with Garroth was very strong. You can't blame her for actions she can't control. Zane was the one who took them to the Irene dimension. Zane was the one who started it all. Aphmau can't control the good and evil in the world." I said.

"I'll leave you with saying this. If you were in Aphmau's shoes, how would you have felt? And what would you have done?" with that I walked down the hill, leaving Levin to think. 

Nikki's/Alexa's POV {What do you want me to call her POV?}

Everyone had left. Well that's what I thought. It's actually kinda awkward that Aphmau thought me and Levin siblings. Mainly because, I had a fan-girl crush on him. I sat up and threw my legs over the side of the bed. I had a plan. I stood up and started towards the ladder.

"Where do you think your going?" a voice asked. It was Aaron. Aspen and Tony were next to him. "What?" I asked. "Am I not allowed to go anywhere without getting permission first?" I asked kinda annoyed.

"You have attempted to run away. 3 times!" Aspen pointed out. "Well relax! I'm just going to climb the tree." I said. "Climb? We are as high as you can go!" Tony said. I smirked and raise an eyebrow. I then grabbed onto a tree branch and started my ascend.

"Your going to fall," Aaron said. I laughed. "If I remember correctly, Aaron. When we were kids I would always manage to go the highest when tree climbing!" Well, that was awkward. I guess we did know each other when we were kids.

"You wanna bet?" he asked me. "We want in!" Aspen complained. "Okay. Bring it!" I said. I climbed higher and higher. I honestly couldn't see where I was going. There were to many leaves.

After what felt like forever I finally managed to get to the top. I was first! " HA!" I yelled out. "Told ya!" I sat and waited. And while I waited I thought. I was going to actually run away.

I have done more harm than help to this village. Aphmau's right. I don't know how to control Myra and Arella. Tomorrow was my birthday, I planned to stay for the day, then at nightfall. Leave.

I would climb over the wall, not at the front gate though. I would find someplace to stay. Where no one would find me. I would simply....Disappear. It had been 10 minutes at least since I got to the top. I was starting to get worried about Aaron, Aspen, and Tony.

"Aspen? Aaron? Tony?" I called out. No response. "Aspen!?" I was getting really worried now. Still there was no response. I started climbing down the tree. I didn't see them on my way down.

They weren't in the main room of the treehouse. Someone grabbed me from behind. They put there hand over my mouth before I could scream. I bit them, hard. "OW!" a familiar voice cried out.

"Geez! It was a joke Alex!" It was Aaron. I was mad, really mad. "That wasn't funny!" I yelled at him. Alex was what he would call me as a kid. I crossed my arms. I would get him back! "We'll see who's laughing later!" I said glaring at him. Never mess with a Demon Angel.

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