Chapter 17: Sleepover Part 2

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Nikki's POV

Ashton had ears! Like real ones! She also had a tail! What in Irene's name?! Everyone's eyes got wide. She can't be from Minecraft Diaries....Right?

She started talking. "I have been like this since a little pup. I get it from my mother. I-I'm not from here, you know Aphmau's Minecraft Diaries?" she started. My eyes got wide.

No, no,no,no! She can't be from there! No! "I'm from there, I can transport between worlds." She finished. Sera, Aspen, and Tony all started laughing.

When I wasn't they got suspicious. "Nikki? Why aren't you laughing? It's obvious that this is made up," Tony stated.

I shook my head no. "It's not fake....B-b-because I'm from there too." they started laughing again. That made me mad. "IT'S TRUE!" I shouted, I then ran out of the room.

They followed. I ran to the basement. "YOU WANNA SEE ME GO?! FINE!" I yelled as I ran into the recording room. Aphmau was still in there. Jason, Castor, and Will tried stopping me. But by the time they reacted, I was already gone.

Tony's POV

Wow, that took a turn quickly, now Nikki is gone and Ashton is growling...Maybe we should....Nah..."GREAT GOING GUYS! NOW SHE IS IN THERE AND I DOUBT SHE CAN PROTECT HERSELF!" Aston yelled.

Jason looked to the floor. "She can protect herself more than you think.." he said. "Whatever, I'm going in there!" Ashton yelled again. She grabbed onto Aspen, Sera, and I.

We all disappeared into Minecraft Diaries. We saw a flash of teal, we started following it. Teal soon turned to red though. We're in so much trouble...

Jason's POV

Grrrrrr.....Those kids are in so much trouble, sure I heard Nikki yelling but I thought it was about something silly.

Not something that would make her go back. Aphmau is going to be very mad that we let her and those other kids get away. Especially because there is about to be a war. And a Demon-Angel is exactly what Tu'la would be looking for to win.

"What do we do guys? How do we contact Aphmau inconspicuously?" I asked. They all shrugged their shoulders I banged my fist on a desk. "Think!" I yelled. I was very mad. Those kids could ruin Aphmau's chances of winning.

Everyone knew that. Castor spoke up. "Dom, there's nothing we can do, at least nothing that won't get anyone hurt." "Well, we have to figure something out!" I said.

Aphmau's POV

I saw a flash of light and a glimpse of teal, then another and 4 kids running after the teal. "Not again!" I yelled a little to loud. Tu'la had taken me captive in Phoenix Drop.

"Well, well, what do we have here? Someone you care about running away?"  Ivy taunted. "Guards. Head that way!" she commanded pointing in Nikki's Direction. "NO!" I yelled. I wasn't going to let them get Nikki that easily.

Not when she is dangerous. She could destroy not only Ru'aun, but the entire world. Ivy stopped the guards. "What are you trying to keep away from us? Tell us or it's the last you'll ever see of them!" she said pointing. The them was my village.

They had guards surrounding them. I couldn't let her kill them. But if they got Nikki, it wouldn't matter. I sighed. I had to tell them about Nikki, I'm sure those 5 could handle themselves. Also Laurence was still out there.

There was a chance he could help. "Fine..." I say. Garroth yelled out "NO! Aphmau don't tell them!" A guard slashed him with a sword. "There is girl, named Nikki, she has powers. She is part Demon and part Angel. I was trying to protect her," I said.

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