Chapter 6: A New Home?

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Nikki's POV

Aphmau and Jason were coming back today. They were deciding who they were going to adopt, and tomorrow their choice would leave the orphanage.

I might like Minecraft and Aphmau but i doubted they would chose me. Once more when we got up it was 6:45 in the morning. Me and Adri dragged ourselves out of bed.

Then I realized, what is happening with Aphmau's channel? I grabbed my computer and got onto her channel. There were still videos uploaded, she must have worked extra long before she came so that they wouldn't miss a day.

We ate breakfast then waited and waited and waited until finally Mrs.Rolland walked into me and Adriana's room. She was beaming with excitement. "Nikki! I very happy to say that Jessica and Jason (insert random last name here) have decided to adopt you!" she exclaimed!

I jumped out of my bed "Really?! You aren't trying to be funny right!?" she shook her head no. I jumped up and down, Adriana was so happy for me.

"Start packing they will be up after the paper work is filled out, you will leave tomorrow," she said, she then left the room. Adriana helped me pack, I pulled everything out from under my bed, my violin, my tin of fanart, books (lots of 'em) and electronic things.

Each child has a suitcase so that they can take what they have with them when they get adopted. I packed my suitcase, first I put my books in, then my clothes then the tin and finally my laptop.

I then had the realization that I might never see Adriana again. "We won't see each other again, will we?" I asked, she looked to the ground. "Probably not..." We hugged, we both had computers so we decided we could just Skype each other, and email.

Aphmau and Jason came up an hour later and asked if I was all packed. I couldn't contain my excitement. I nodded and they said they would take anything that needed to be taken with them.

I had a change of clothes and Pj's, my necklace, and phone. I helped them take the rest to their car. I hugged them, they actually adopted me and I was very grateful for that. They said their goodbye's for the day and said they'd be back tomorrow to pick me up.

-/+\-Time skip to next day-/+\-

Nikki's POV

The next day Jason and Aphmau came back to pick me up. I hugged Adriana and Mrs.Rolland Goodbye. Then I climbed into the car, we were staying in a hotel tonight after we drove a bit, then we would drive the rest of the way back tomorrow.

I had some movies downloaded on my laptop, those kept me busy while we were driving, busy enough for Jason to make a call home about something. At one point I asked why they decided to adopt when they had little Julia and Joseph.

Apparently they just wanted to give someone in need a home, they had rescued little Johnny Cat so why not a child. We stayed in silence most of the time other than some small talk about food. We arrived at the hotel about 3 hours later.

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