Chapter 21: Someone New?

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Nikki's POV

"Is there any way you could help me change my identity? Even just some hair dye and new clothes would do," I said to her after I was all dry. "You aren't doing anything illegal. Right?" she asked me.

I looked to the ground. "You can tell me what's really going on." she said. "F-fine," I responded.

"I was in Phoenix Drop with my mot-" I stopped, I shouldn't reveal she's my mother, to many questions would arise. "The lord, Aphmau. O'khasis attempted an attack and they kidnapped me to marry the Second son of O'khasis. Zane, I believe it was." her eyes widened, when I said that.

"I didn't want Phoenix Drop to suffer, so I faked my death by drowning in the river. I need to change my identity, so that I'm not recognized" I said sternly. She nodded, and ran upstairs to grab some supplies.

She came back down with supplies. She said clothing wise all she had was steampunky kind of things. (Above) I put on the outft. She had hair dye too. (Below)

This was perfect! With my rainbow hair and my Steampunk outfit no one would recognize me! Nicole said I could stay the night

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This was perfect! With my rainbow hair and my Steampunk outfit no one would recognize me! Nicole said I could stay the night. I told her thank you and that'd be leaving early in the morning. She tried pushing me to stay. But I refused, she had already helped me enough.

-(+)-(+)-Time skip provided by cute Husky Pups-(+)-(+)-

It was morning, I waved goodbye to Nicole and started towards Phoenix Drop. I knew it was risky coming back so soon, but I had to get my friends and leave. I walked along the trail Nicole pointed out to me. I should be seei- There is lovely Phoenix Drop!

I ran towards the gates. There was a guard at the top. "Who are you?!" she asked. Wow, this disguise was really good! "I am N-Sierra!" I yelled back. A familiar male voice called out to Alexis "What's up Alexis?" he yelled.

"The sky!" she said, they stuck their tongues out at each other. It couldn't be...Could it? It was Tony. Thank Irene your safe," I said a little louder than I should have. Alexis looked at me. "Do ya think you can handle this one?" she asked Tony.

He nodded. She opened the gate. I walked inside, "Hand over your weapons." he said to me sternly. "What makes you think I have any?" I asked.

He looked down at the sword in my holster. I handed him the Ender Longsword Nicole gave me. "If you break it or use it against me!" I threatened. He looked at me very closely, I had to back up a bit.

I knocked into Ashton. Crap! I thought. She could smell people, she'd know it was me! "Nikki?" she asked me flabbergasted. "W-we thought we'd never see you again!" she yelled as she hugged me.

"Come on! Aphmau's been worried sick!" she yelled again, she started dragging me to Aphmau's. Tony was close behind us. He looked me up and down, studying my new appearance.

We arrived at Aphmau's. She broke down the door. "Aphmau! Aphmau! It's Her! It's Nikki!" she yelled, out of breath. Aphmau looked up from her book. She stood up, studying me like Tony did. I stood there awkwardly. "Ashton, it can't be her, Nikki looks nothing like this." she said to me. "w-well it's me," I said quietly.

Aspen and Sera came running up to me and hugged me. I hugged back, they were squeezing really tight. "G-uys C-an-t br-bre-ath!" I tried saying. They let me go, I hugged Tony then turned back to Aphmau. "Hey," I said quietly.

She came up and hugged me. "B-but you were in O'khasis- how- Thank Irene," she said. I explained to them, while explaining they were all wide eyed. They handed me a mirror. I could barely recognize myself. "I guess I do look different huh?" I said.

That's when, everyone came barging in. They all hugged me and I had to explain again. Aaron just sat there. Staring at me from under his hood. "It's really you," I heard him mumble. I don't think I was supposed to hear that though. He walked out, I did what I thought to do. Follow him and find out what he meant by "It's really you,"

Hey Guys! Diamond here, so watcha think of my chapter? Pretty neat right. Isn't that girls hair cool? So I just wanted to say, My friend cheetahwolf and I are doing a collab. It's called "A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" It's an Aphmau fanfic, so go check it out and don't forget to follow her! Bai~

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