Chapter 25: The Birthday Party

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Alexa's POV

Today is my birthday. And the day I leave this place. I've told no one of my plans, I'm not that stupid. Cadenza made me the loveliest dress ever! I plan to leave it here though.

The dress is a stunning blue, it actually looks quite nice with my mess of a hair. Aphmau curled it and put it in a fancy bun. "Fancy smancy!" she said with a "serious face" I laughed.

There was an hour 'till the party, and 3 hours 'till I take my leave. I was scared. I had a bag packed with water, food, clothes, weapons. Anything I might need.

I knew they had a barrier around the village, now with shadow souls and all they've upped their defenses. The barrier only is accustom to certain people.

For example, I am one who may not leave Phoenix Drop. Any guard or Aphmau can. The barrier however isn't accustomed to my Demon and/or Angel form. I'll sneak out using my Angel form, with a little help from Arella of course.

I had been talking to her, learning how to change willingly. Aphmau came into my room once more. "You've not moved in an hour." she said. It was true. I hadn't moved in an hour.

"Anyways, It's time." she said with the biggest smile. I was turning 20 here, and 13 in the other world. Strange. I gracefully stood up.

I had asked for the party to be at the Irene Statue. I don't know why. I just felt...drawn to it. (Foreshadowing) Aphmau, Sera, Aspen, and Ashton, all walked with me to the Irene Statue. It was gorgeous!

Fairy lights were everywhere, Cherry blossom Trees! I felt out of place though. Like me and my rainbow hair didn't belong. It however was true. Me and my Angel Demon self didn't belong. Not here, not in the other dimension either.

"Welcome Alexa! To a birthday party fit for a Angel." Sera said giggling. I had grown accustomed to being called Alexa--It is my name-- but I had no idea why she was giggling. I looked where she was looking. I saw Aaron and Tony staring at me, with there mouths agape.

Was I really beautiful enough to cause that? I also saw them glare at each other. I giggled and walked towards them. Before I could speak, beautiful music started playing. "May I have this dance?" Ashton asked me before either of the boys could.

I curtsied. "You may," I replied giggling. I would miss them, my friends, Aphmau, the village. I danced the night away. I forgot about cake. Cake is to much.

It is sweet, unlike I, who plans to run away. I put a smile on for show. I wouldn't let anyone know how hurt I was. From Levin's words. From the Demon. From having to leave. I would act as though nothing was the matter. I danced, song after song. No matter how terrible I was at dancing.

I smiled for real though. I knew here I had real friends. Unlike in the orphanage. I learned something here. Friendship is to be earned, and I Alexa Renee Mayes, have earned some of the best of friends. I am not running out of fear. No I am tired of being scared, tired of fear controlling me.

Tonight I would run...for love. Love of the village and it's people. Love for my mother, brothers, and little sister. Love for my friends. I would not fear the name Myra or Arella. For I knew I was stronger than Zane, Ivy, and the Demon and Angel inside.

I wouldn't fear the name Myra or Arella. Fear of a name would only increase my fear of the thing it's self. I will do what I must, to protect those I love. And no one, shall get in my way.

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