Chapter 7: Surprise?

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Nikki's POV

We woke up early, I wasn't surprised, we had a long drive ahead of us. Yesterday we only drove 3 out of 7 hours. Aphmau and Jason were on the phone most of the day.

Doing what I'm not sure. I just figured they were asking how rendering of videos was going, apparently they've been having problems with quick rendering.

I spent most of the yesterday studying PDH and try to replicate it on my laptop, I also did some mash-ups. I was going to start school next Monday, it was Thursday and we weren't even close to Washington.

They said we were about to leave so I quickly packed everything up and we headed out.

"Random Question," Aphmau said.

"What is this random question?" I asked.

"What's your favorite cake flavor?" she asked.

"Oh, that's easy. Chocolate," I responded, she nodded. Actually Chocolate cake was the only flavor I've ever had. So, I didn't really have any experience with other flavors.

We occasionally stopped for a bathroom break or food. Mostly, I sat and texted Adri, and watched movies. They didn't mind. They knew I was still getting used to the whole new mother and father thing.

We drove at least 3 hours before we had to pull over for gas. That's when I felt sick. I asked if I could go to the bathroom, they said yes, so I looked both ways then ran to the bathroom.

Aphmau's POV

She didn't look to good. She ran to the bathroom. "I'm going to go make sure she's okay," I told Jason, then I walked after her. I walked into the bathroom, she was throwing up.

"Nikki? Are you okay?" I asked. "No," she responded quietly, I could hear her quietly sobbing. "What happened?" I asked. "Was it something you ate?" I knew it was either something she ate, or she had a bug.

She stepped out and I put the back of my hand to her forehead. She had a fever, she was sick. Luckily we were only about an hour away. "Do you think you can make it an hour?" I asked, she nodded slowly.

We walked back to the car and opened the trunk, we pulled out her pillow and blanket. I told her to try and sleep, it would make the hour so much shorter.

I'm glad she did fall asleep, that way she didn't have to deal with feeling sick the whole time. Especially because we were about to hit some curves that would only make things worse. We got to the house and I woke her up.

Nikki's POV

We walked into the house and everyone yelled "Surprise!" They had throw a party for me. To bad I didn't feel good enough to go. By the look on Aphmau's face she totally forgot about the party.

She shot everyone a look that said be quiet and i'll explain later. They lead me to my room and told me to fall asleep, it was already 9 pm. I wasn't complaining though. I fell asleep with ease.

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