Chapter 9: Something Strange

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Nikki's POV

It's 7 pm, I should probably see if anyone is starting to get munchy. Aphmau had been letting me cook dinner if I wanted. I really enjoyed cooking so she didn't have to ask me twice.

I headed downstairs and started towards the basement. There was a sign in big letters saying 'KNOCK BEFORE ENTERING PLEASE.'

I knocked, I heard someone trip running up the steps. It was Castor. Of course. "Hey Nikki," he said, he kinda seemed nervous. "Uh hey, I was wondering if any of you were starting to get hun-" he cut me off

"I'll go check!" he took off down the stairs "And what you want!" I yelled after him. "Hmm, that was strange," I thought. He came back up the stairs. He was out of breath.

"Chicken ~Huff~ Pot ~Huff~ Pie ~Huff~," he said, "With okra and green beans?" I asked. He nodded closed the door then fell down the steps. Castor was having a bad day with the steps.

I started towards the kitchen, I felt a tug at my shirt. It was Julia. "I'm getting hungry," she said. I responded with "I'm getting ready to make chicken pot pie, it will be ready soon. Go play with Joseph for now. Okay?" she nodded and ran to the play area. I gathered my ingredients and started cooking.

Castor's POV

"That was to close," I said to the gang. "Why did Aphmau insist on adopting?" I asked Jason. He shrugged his shoulders. "That girl is going to find out Aphmau's secret then go blab to all her little friends," I said frustrated.

Jason Laughed. "I highly doubt that, she seems like an social outcast," he said. "Jason, she isn't Zane. She at least has a soul, and a life." I said. We laughed, we liked making jokes about characters all the time.

Aphmau appeared, "You know I can hear you in there right? Nikki is special. In more ways than one," she explained. We all groaned "Not this again sweetie, just because you can go into video games doesn't mean you can tell if someone is magic," Jason said.

Just then Nikki yelled "Chicken Pot Pie is ready!" Jason and I looked confused, she just started cooking like 20 minutes ago. Not even. We shrugged and went to eat dinner.

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