Chapter 27: Aaron

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Alexa's POV

A branch snapped. I pulled out my Angelic Demon Longsword. And Yes, it's a real thing. I turned slowly, I heard another snap of a branch. I saw a shadow move.

I stood up, no one was going to sneak up on me, and live. "Show yourself!" I demanded. I gripped my sword tight. "How do I know you won't kill me on sight?" he asked.

"Aaron come out now, if you refuse I will not hesitate to kill you," I said, my eyes flashed in between red and emerald green. "Fight it Alexa!" he yelled, he knew Myra was trying to take control.

"I'm trying!" I yelled. I turned around not facing Aaron. He pounced like a panther. He landed on top of me and held me down. "Get off me!" I yelled. Well more Myra.

"Control it!" he yelled once more. "I said GET OFF ME!" I was full on changing now. "Fine, we do it the hard way," he said. He looked at me then leaned down and kissed me. I tried fighting him, pushing him away.

I couldn't, Myra couldn't do it! It was working. I melted into the kiss and kissed back. (I had to! I have a ship with dem okay?) He pulled away. "Better?" he asked smiling. I nodded and hugged him. "Alexa, why do you always run?" he asked me.

I stayed silent for a moment. "Demons and Angels have never lived in harmony. They are always fighting. The Demon is the Alpha, the Angel nothing but a simpleton.

I will never have perfect balance, never be able to control. What Levin said, is true. I am a danger to Phoenix Drop. I am nothing but a monster." I said fighting back tears. "Alexa, listen. In every Angel, a Demon hides. And in every Demon an Angel strides. One cannot live without the other. Irene only knows what you must feel. She had darkness too. Any Angel can be bad, and sometimes Demons can be good. Do not listen to Levin. He's just scared that you'll hurt him and his family, but I'm sure we can teach you how to control your transformation. Running from your fears...Doesn't help though," he looked into my eyes.

"But do you know what I see?" he asked. I shook my head. "I see a smart, beautiful girl who can do anything she sets her mind to." I smiled. A tear rolled down my cheek. "Now, lets go home." he said. He stood and held out his hand. I nodded and took it.

˜"*°•.˜"*°•When they arrive at Phoenix Drop•°*"˜.•°*"˜

Aaron's POV

Alexa was clinging onto my hand. I could tell she was scared. Aphmau was sitting at the gates. She looked as though she hadn't slept for hours. She must have heard us coming because she looked up and smiled.

She ran to Alexa and squeezed her tight. "Alexa! Where have you been?!" she asked through tears. Alexa looked down. "We can talk about that later Aphmau," I said sensing Alexa didn't really want to talk about it right now.

She nodded. We walked into the gates. "ALEXA~SAMA!!!" A feminine voice yelled. It was Kawaii~Chan, she came running up to Alexa and grabbed her hands. Dang you Kawaii~Chan, I was enjoying holding her hand.

I think everyone heard Kawaii~Chan yell, because soon, everyone was over here.

Alexa's POV

"Hi...." I said quietly. Everyone walked up and gave her a hug. Levin did to. "Look Alexa....I shouldn't have said what I did. I was a jerk." he said. "I guess I was just scared." he continued.

I glance at Aaron who was smirking like he just won the lottery. I rolled my eyes at him. Levin shook his head. "That's no excuse. Point is I'm sorry." he looked ashamed. I smiled. "It's okay," I hugged him again. "What about food?" Katelyn asked.

"KATELYN!! YOU RUINED THE MOMENT!!" Aphmau yelled. I giggled, I had a strange family. We headed to Aphmau's and waited for Aphmau to stop chasing Katelyn. "FIINE!" Katelyn yelled. "I'll just steal table for myself!" she said laughing.

"NUUUU!!! TABLE IS MIIIIINE!!!" Aphmau yelled. We were never going to eat. Oh well. I was enjoying life, and that's all that matters.

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