Chapter 29: I Do

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A/N: A quick note, I will be ending this book at chapter 30 but before you pick up your pitchforks I will be creating a sequel. I will release the name next Chapter, I don't want the title to spoil anything!

Aaron's POV

I woke up on cold hard ground. A dungeon no doubt. It's my fault Alexa might not get saved now. I swore to myself I wouldn't lose her. Not again. What can I do?

Nothing but wait, and hope that Levin'll send help. Two guards walked in. Helms covered there faces. Probably Tu'la guards. They let me out and put cuffs on my wrists. They lead me through the dungeon to a stairwell. It must lead to Zane's home.

We walked up the steps and entered a large room with many books. It looked like a study. I saw Zane first. Then I saw Alexa, she was looking down, but I could still see the tears in her eyes.The guards let me go. Alexa whispered something to Zane, he nodded.

She came over and hugged me. "Your going to be all right, stay strong for me." she said before standing up and walking back to her seat. Zane spoke. "Hello Aaron, Alexa has told me so much about you. You two are lovers?" he asked me. I nodded slowly.

"Well your sweet innocent Alexa has been cheating on you. She has been engaged to me all along. But she convinced me to make a deal with you." he said. She never cheated on me, she was forced into that marriage I kept telling myself.

"When we wed this evening, you shall be freed. Your life sparred. On one condition, you never ever step foot in O'khasis again. For you will be killed. Does that sound fair?" he said to me.

Leave Alexa? How could I do that? I looked to Alexa who seemed to be pleading me to accept. "I-I accept." I said emotionlessly. The wedding was tonight? I have to keep my promise to Alexa. My new promise, that'll I'll leave and NEVER return... The guards then leaded me out of the room, back to my cage.

Alexa's POV

I had to, if I didn't he would have killed Alexis, and Aaron. I had to say I would marry Zane. No escaping, No death faking. I was lead to my room.

The guards slammed it closed behind me. The maids would arrive in an hour to dress me. I tried not to think about the way my father said he'd kill them. I would become Zane's minion after we are wed. Doing his dirty work, I already knew one of my assignments would be to go to Phoenix Drop and kill everyone but Aphmau and Garroth.

The ones with the Irene and Ro'meave relic. I knew my father had control over my demon. He could permanently change me. And if I didn't cooperate he would. I have to do this, I have to marry Zane.

I have to kill my friends? No, I can't do this! My hands curled into fists, I banged them against the wall, the wall was made out of iron bedrock. Unbreakable. My hands started bleeding. My father "poofed" up behind me. "Having issues accepting your fate?" he asked me healing my hands.

"I'm not going to kill all of my friends! Your releasing Aaron and Alexis for me to kill them!" I yelled at him. He clicked his tongue. "I didn't want to have to do this, but you leave me no choice Alexa." he waved his hand, he was trying to turn me perma-demon.

My heart would turn to stone. I would marry Zane with no objections. I tried fighting it. "Fighting it won't help Alexa, you know that" he said sneering. I can't fight it much longer. I fell to the ground. My eyes went red, my hair turned white. I was a permanent demon. "Better?" My father asked.

"Much, Send in the maids, the sooner the wedding, the better" I said. He smiled and called in the maids. An hour passed as they dressed me. We walked out the room and downstairs. I put my arm in my fathers, we began walking down the aisle.

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