Chapter 23: The Meeting

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Aphmau's POV

Everyone was here. They were all waiting for Aaron and I to speak. Levin refused to make eye contact with me. I would look at him but he'd just look away. Aaron nudged me, signaling me to start speaking.

"Nikki is a Demon Angel. Her mother is unknown other than the fact that she is an angel. Her father i-is..." I took a breath. "Her father is The Shadow Lord..." I finished. "What!" everyone screamed. Everyone but Aaron and I.

"Why isn't this a surprise to you Aaron?" I asked. "Because I knew her. Me and her were best friends as children, I-I actually kinda liked her, in more ways then one." he responded. "It wasn't as weird when I was 8 and she was 7." he said shrugging.

I continued. "Her birth name is not Nikki, it is actually Alexa Renee Mayes. As Alexa got older, she couldn't control her powers. Her mother called me in--the reason unknown to me--to help teach her to control her powers. For the longest time--up until she was 6-- she had control of her powers." I stopped.

"That's when she came to Falcon Claw." Aaron said. I continued "When she lost control she got scared and ran away. We couldn't find her. Eventually 1 year later when her mother found her, the world was at war.  The time of The War of Irene. Her mother took her to a witch, to turn her to a baby. So that when she came to the normal world..." I stopped. I guess I should explain.

"The normal world is a world without magicks. If there are they came from this dimension. For example, Ashton was born here in a werewolf family, but left to go to the other world. Anyone that doesn't have some sort of magic can't come here. Even if accompanied by a dimension jumper--People who can go to the human world-- So that means, that Sera, Tony, and Aspen all have some sort of Magicks." They looked at me in disbelief.

I continued anyways. "I was sent to the human world to one day bring Alexa back to this world. Well, I adopted her, and things got a bit out of hand. She still can't control them, the them is Myra and Arella. The demon and angel inside her. Myra the demon, and Arella the Angel. She keeps lashing out," I said looking at her.

"How is she safe to have here?" Levin asked. "She's a demon and an angel, who escaped O'khasis, by who knows what! What makes you think there not looking for her? Huh?! She was to be wed to Zane! She's dangerous! As lord I'm supposed to protect my people! and if that means kicking her out of Phoenix Drop! So be it!" He said raising his voice.

"L-Levin...S-she's your sister! You can't mean that!" I said with tears forming. "Well guess what!" he said shouting now. "She's not my sister and your not my mother!" he yelled. He stormed out. At this point I was crying. "Don't worry mom...I'll go talk to him," Malachi said. I just sat on the ground, crying, and crying.

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