Chapter 26: Farewell

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Alexa's POV

The party ended ages ago. It was time. Darkness had fallen. Laurence--Who was supposed to be watching me--fell asleep. Perfect. I threw on my cloak as black as night.

I climbed down the ladder. I stopped quickly. Garroth was standing outside the exit. Looks like we'll be doing this the hard way. I took the butt of my sword and hit Garroth in the head with it. That's gotta hurt.

He fell to the ground in a slump. I ran out of the exit, to the nearest tree. I was going to have to be stealthy. I ran for cover for about an hour 'till I reached the gates. I took a deep breath.

Now or never. I thought about my Angel form--like Arella taught me-- over and over again. Finally after what seemed like forever, I changed. Unfortunately, I emitted a large amount of light. If Phoenix Drop wasn't awake before. They were now.

Aphmau's POV

I woke up to see a blinding light. I had to shield my eyes. What could of emitted something so bright? Only a transforma- That girl is in so much trouble! Although, she found the loop hole.

Aaron's POV

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I fell, off my bed and onto the ground. That bright blinding light startled me. I went to the front gates to check it out. I saw what was expected.

Alexa, sneaking out. She is going to get herself captured by O'khasis! I snuck up behind her, and placed my hand on her shoulder. She kicked my in the stomach.

Ow, she kicks harder than Katelyn. She took off out the gates. Crap! We forgot about her angel and Demon form being able to get through the barrier!

Aphmau came running from behind. She kneeled next to me. "Are you okay?" she asked me. I nodded. "She must be anxious to get away. She hit Garroth in the head with what we thing is the handle of a sword." she said with sadness in her voice.

"I'm going after her," I say. Aphmau looks shocked. "We were friends when we were little. Then one day she disappeared. I'm not letting that happen again." I say sternly.

She nodded and helped me stand up. Alexa has always been smart. Smarter than an average human. She knew things that even my father didn't know. That's why I'm worried. She always has a plan, and one or two extra ones. I hope, she doesn't this time.

Alexa's POV

Shoot! They're on to me! I had to get to my "Safe haven" before Aaron or someone else found me. I ran. I tripped over a root, again! I'm so tired of that.

I heard footsteps behind me. Urgh! Can't Aaron just leave me be? Why does he even care about some stupid Demon Angel? I stood up, and climbed a tree. Although, trees and me don't mix. I found that out when I first got here.

Wait! I could just pop out, wait, then pop back in again! I found my trick is snapping. I snap my fingers. I appear inside Aphmau's office. Everyone looks restless.

Shoot! I forgot about them. They looked up. Jason picked up a baseball bat. (why is there even one in there?) "Don't swing!" I yelled shielding my head. "It's me, Nikki, well....Alexa." I guess my cloak and hair transferred over. I sat there awkwardly before jumping back in.

I heard a faint "Wait!" then silence. Once I was sure no one was near, I ran to a lake far in the forest. Little did I know, something, or someone, was lurking in the shadows.

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