Chapter 18: Consequences

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Ashton's POV

"Why isn't she waking?!" I cried (as in yelled out) We were all on the verge of tears. "S-she should wake soon." an Elf named Zoey said. "Need I remind you, that it's you fault she's in this state." Aphmau pointed out.

"Touche," we all replied. When Nikki awakes we were going to have a serious talk, that's at least what Aph called it. She had Guards stationed at every possible exit, (she claimed them to be for Nikki) We waited another hour. She still wasn't awake. That's when we lost it.

-:-:-:- Time skip because I can-:-:-:-

She finally awoke. "W-what am I doing here?" she asked, "Nikki, it's okay, your safe." Aphmau responded. "NO! I have to get out of here!" she yelled.

She jumped out of bed. She ran to the door, Garroth blocked her. She tried the back door. This time it was Laurence.

Nikki's POV

She's smart but not smart enough I thought. The one exit not blocked. I glanced at the window, the glass would hurt, but hurting them would be worse.

Aphmau predicted my next move, but not quick enough. I ran and jumped out the window, I had glass shards in my arm but, whatever. I started running, well...I tried, I didn't get to far before I ran into a shirtless guy (Aaron is still in here, It's my story get over it) Crap! I thought.

I stood up quickly, "Uhhh, Gotta run!" I say to him. I took off again, I heard footsteps behind me, it had to be Aaron. He was the only one that could have caught up.

The gates were closed. Easy fix, I climbed up the wall, ran and jumped off the other side. I did a sort of roll, stood up again and ran deep into the forest. I was trying very hard to avoid roots. That didn't go to well.

I tripped, and fell. I twisted my ankle, I tried getting up but failed. I fell to the ground again. Aaron arrived first. "Go away!" I shouted. I wasn't letting the demon inside hurt anyone. Aphmau and everyone else arrived next. "Nikki! That's the third time you've run! Why?!" she asked.

"B-b...Because I can't keep the demons in the darkness of my eyes." I said. "Well, Well. What do we have here? Nya~" a voice said. It was a Tu'laian.

She jumped from the shadows and held a sword to Aphmau's neck. "No!" I shouted. I had to protect her! I couldn't let the demon win!

Instead of demon, I turned Angel. I had a very pale blue hair, that was really long. A red dress, and angel wings. (Above) "Not today~" I said, with one flap of my huge wings she fell to the ground. "Nya~ We have all we need!~" she said.

She giggled, a net came out of nowhere, the weight to much for my wings. I fell to the ground. My sword couldn't cut the rope. "Let me go!" I shout. "Aphmau!" I shouted as they pulled me away.

She couldn't hear, she was fighting off Tu'la guards. I fear, that I might not get out of this one. At least....Not alive.

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