Chapter 16: Sleepover! Part 1

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Nikki's POV

Aphmau is the best! She is actually letting me have a sleepover with Sera, Ashton, Aspen and Tony.

EKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!! Wow...Okay...Um I don't know where that came from...I decided to text them.

( Curly Fries or C/F= Tony WolfGal or W/G=Ashton, Phoenix Bird or P/B= Aspen, DemonAngel or D/A= Nikki Sea: Sera)

D/A: You guys excited 4 tonite?

C/F: Yep

W/G: Absolutly

P/B: Totally!

Sea: Cant wait, u?

D/A: Me 2, dont forget have some songs ready 4 karaoke! (Yes I must)

W/G: Fiiiiiiine

C/F: Stop complaining Ash

W/G: NO!


D/A: GUYS!!! CALM DOWN!! c u tonite

W/G: Bai

P/B: c ya!

C/F: bii

I rolled my eyes at Tony and Ashton, those two fight like wolves (Huehehe I had to cheetahwolf). I set up, ok...Video Games? Check, Snacks? Check, Karaoke? Check. Basement locked? I'll have to wait 'till Aphmau is done. I sat and waited for tonight.

-:-:-:-:-Time skip to sleepover brought to you by da pizza man-:-:-:-:-

The doorbell rang! I opened the door. "EKKKKKK!" I yelled causing them to have to cover there ears. We played outside in the sprinklers for a while. We also sang, some by force, then it was time for secret sharing.

I went first, "Are you evil?" Tony asked "Because if you are...We already knew," I nervously chuckled at that. "You have no idea," I murmured. "No, I actually build maps." I said.

It was asecret to me. No one really knew I was good at replicating things. "Uhhh Thats not a secret Nikki," they all said in unison, I was to busy opening a world on Minecraft. I showed them PDH.

Their jaws dropped. "And No Aph did not send me a copy of PDH," Now it was Ashtons turn. She took a deep breathe and pulled off the beanie everyone thought she wore 24/7. She was....

I am mean and I know it....*Laughs maniacly* Muwahahahhahahahhahahahhahaha!

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