Chapter 11: SOS

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Nikki's POV

"I'm trapped in Minecraft Diaries," I thought. I heard footsteps, from my dream I knew it was Garroth, I did all I could.

I climbed up a tree. (Because that's totally the only thing you could do, Come on Nikki) Sure enough it was Garroth, only he wasn't alone. There was another guard with him, I saw a flash of blue.

It must be Dante, it's to dark a blue for it to be Katelyn. I stepped on a limb of the tree, it snapped. Garroth's and Dante's heads shot up, looking right at me, altho they didn't know. "Garroth, your being paranoid!" I heard Dante say.

"Dante, I saw Aphmau come this direction then disappear, then I saw someone!" he yelled. Dante shook his head. "It was probably Aphmau, she's probably going to see if anything remains of Aaron's campsite." Garroth shook his head.

"That's where your wrong my friend, Aaron's campsite in East of us. Not South." I accidentally stepped on another branch, this one was weak and flimsy.

The branch fell to the ground. I however was still in the tree, not hidden anymore. Garroth looked my direction, he saw my hair. He drew his sword, "Who's there?!" he yelled looking strait at me with eyes like daggers.

I think he was looking for my face. I didn't speak, hoping he'd think it was his imagination. Instead, he climbed the tree. I decided best bet was to make a run for it. So I did, I jumped out of the tree and landed on my feet with ease.

Then I ran, the wrong direction that is. Instead of running farther into the forest, I ran strait towards the village. Oops... (Yeah Oops! ~facepalm~ GJ Nikki GJ)

I ran through the outer gate, and me being idiotic I ran strait towards the jail. I should know this place like the back of my hand!

I made a sharp turn and managed to run back into the forest, Dante stayed at the gate. I ran right into him. I knocked him off his feet. I tried to stand up and get away but he grabbed my wrist, and tight!

I struggled and tried to get away but his grip was to tight. "Your hair is a strange color," he said to me. "And yours isn't?" I snapped, "Touche" he said slightly glaring at me.

Garroth ran up to Dante panting. "Geez, she can sure run fast!" he said out of breath. "And you can sure run like a snail," I snapped. "Woah, well then, she's feisty isn't she?" Dante said. He squeezed tighter. "Hmm, how can I get out of this?" I wondered, At this point maybe a little acting? (Because you can totally act)

I pretended to faint, I heard Dante say. "I don't like this," He loosened his grip just a bit. It was enough for me to escape. I yanked my wrist out, kicked him in the ribs. It knocked the wind right out of him. Now for Garroth,He charged for me, I ducked down tripping him.

I pushed his arm up his back, painfully far. "STOP!" I heard a voice say. It sounded like..No it cant be. "Aphmau?" Garroth asked clearly puzzled. "That's right. Nikki get off of Garroth, NOW!" Aphmau yelled clearly infuriated.

I kinda got scared. This was Aphmau's roleplay, there was no telling what she would do. Dante-who had gained his breath back-stood up. He was puzzled too. That puzzeled face turned to shock when Aphmau-out of nowhere- appeared. (oOoOoO MAGICKS!!!)

Hey guys, Diamond here, So I'm not sure if you can tell but this chapter has a lot of side comments, brought to you by CorinthianCoral (her game name) or My BFF, she decided to hijack my laptop and type little side things (They are in parenthesis). Sorry If those bother you, Author~Chan was to lazy to delete them, I also kinda thought they were funny. Give a round of applause to Coral! ~clap clap clap~ (Coral: Thank You Thank YOU!!) She is also sitting right next to me. (Yes I am) Imma let you get back to your lives now! Bye (BAi!)

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