Chapter 22: A Shadow Soul

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Aaron's POV

She was following me, she was trying to stay in the shadows. But with that hair, you could see her easily. I knew her real name wasn't Nikki. I knew Aphmau knew as well. I started jogging. I needed to lose her. It took a while, she runs fast.

Nikki's POV

I lost him. Dang it! I turned a corner, and screamed.

Aaron's POV

I heard her scream. I turned around and ran. "Nikki?!" I yelled. "Nikki!" She was on the ground, with a shadow soul above her. She was trying to fight it off with the sword Tony gave back to her.

She has terrible swordsmanship though. She saw me. "Help!" she yelled. She was crying, she was scared. I pulled out my demonic broadsword. Aphmau, Garroth and Laurence came running.

I assumed they heard her cries. They had there swords out. Aphmau a plain Diamond Sword--We really need to upgrade that--Laurence an emerald longsword. And Garroth, well, he hasn't gotten a sword yet. Oops.

Aphmau handed him her Diamond Sword. She knew she was about to change. And she did. She turned into her Irene form. She was beautifu- Gah! Brain stop! She charged at the shadow soul and struck it with her sword. It disappeared. Thank Irene.

Nikki's POV

I was crying, I couldn't stop. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't. Aphmau just got rid of it. There was a portal opened somewhere. We had to close it. Before it was to late.

Before Shadow knights--And eventually the Shadow Lord--came out. She rushed us all back into the gates and told Alexis to call a meeting. I was still shaken up. Everyone's voices echoed in my head.

They seemed to be trying to get my attention. But, they just couldn't. It was like I was in a trance. "Alexa!" I heard yelled. Then my world went black.

Aphmau's POV

She just collapsed. I looked at Aaron shocked. He knew her real name. Her birth name. Nikki was the name given to her to keep her safe.

I knew now, we would have to explain. I pulled Aaron to the side. "How do you know?!" I asked him. "Know what?" he said. "You know perfectly well what!!" I shouted a little to loudly.

Everyone turned in our direction. Aaron pulled me farther away from everyone. "I'll explain to everyone how I know, when you explain to everyone why I called her that." he said sternly.

I nodded. I walked to the treehouse. That's where the meeting was to be held. Levin caught up to me. "Mom? What was that all about," he asked.

"Wait for the meeting," I said to him. "But I'm the lord of Phoenix Drop and you-" I cut him short. "I said Wait 'till the meeting!" I yelled at him harshly. He looked hurt. "Fine, I thought you trusted me." and with that he walked away. "Levin..." I said quietly.

I sat on the ground. Why did I just do that? I asked myself. Why?

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