Chapter 5: Talking

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Nikki's POV

Breakfast had finished hours ago. Aphmau and Jason were probably talking to the other children by now. I was waiting, but I was more, replicating Phoenix Drop High.

I had been working on it for at least 48 hours. It was so detailed. Then every episode you'd see new parts of the school. I was listening to some of her episodes when Adriana groaned.

I took off my headphones. "What's up?" I asked. "My stupid computer stopped working! Again!" she yelled. I giggled, this is the 3rd time in 2 weeks that her computer started acting up.

The first two times Mrs.Rolland fixed it. "Why don't you let me try and fix it?" I said. She laughed, "What do you know about computers?" she asked. "I don't spend all my time watching YouTube and playing Minecraft you know! I've had computer problems too!" I exclaimed

"Alright, Alright, you can try and fix it sheesh," she said. I grabbed her computer and looked through her downloads. I was so busy working I hadn't even noticed that Aphmau, Jason and Mrs.Rolland had walked up.

"Here's your problem!" I exclaimed, "You have over 200 viruses! What in Irene's name do you download on this thing?!" Mrs.Rolland cleared her throat, I looked up "Oh, Hello" I continued trying to fix Adriana's computer.

I accidentally tugged to hard on my head phones and my computer came flying off the bed. Aphmau leaned down to pick it up, my Minecraft was still open. "Is this Phoenix Drop High?" she asked. I nodded, I was at loss for words. "Wow, you have every single block down!" she showed Jason, he looked flabbergasted.

I finally got the viruses off Adri's computer and handed it back to her, I then took my computer from Aphmau. "That's not all I build, I also build houses and towns," I said quietly.

"Can I see?" she asked, I nodded and disconnected from PDH world, I scrolled through all my worlds and finally chose the world labeled My Mansion.

I had completed it a few months ago, but my computer was being very annoying when it came to the mods. So I had to build all the furniture. "Wow, I think you can build better than our team," she joked.

"I doubt it," I said. "Do you mind playing some violin for us?" she asked. "Not at all, in fact, i have a song you just might recognize," I smiled. I unpacked my violin, rosined my bow and tuned my instrument.

I played part of the melody from Levin's Music Box. It was quiet hard because I had to change what notes the song was. When I finished everyone clapped. "That was amazing!" Jason said, he was actually recording the whole thing.

We talked and talked, Adri seemed really happy that I was interacting. They were about to go see the last few kids when i remembered.

"Oh! Wait!" I crawled under my bed and grabbed a tin, inside the tin was fanart for all my favorite YouTubers. I always sorted it so it was easy to find Aphmau's stuff.

"This is fanart that I've draw over the years, I also have fanart in there for Sky and the gang if you don't mind passing it on to them," I said. She smiled "Thank you very much for all the fanart, and i'll be sure the boys get theirs," she waved goodbye and they left.

I felt really happy, ecstatic even. I was able to give fanart to one of my favorite YouTubers. I laid down and fell asleep quickly, not bothering to even change.

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