Chapter 4: Adoption?

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Adriana's POV

It was Aphmau! The lady Nikki watches 24/7! Out of all orphanages, she came here! Maybe praying to Irene really did help! Nikki looked like she was about to faint.

I nervously laughed when Aphmau got a look on her face that said Is she alright? I pulled/dragged Nikki to breakfast hoping so food would make her turn back to normal. I overheard Mrs.Rolland say, "If there is any child in this orphanage that likes you and Minecraft more than Nikki, I haven't seen her,"

Aphmau looked at her husband (I assumed) and smiled, "It's great to know I have a fan,"

Mrs.Rolland's POV

I hoped that this was the time little Nikki would get adopted. She has been so much help around here. It was her idea for plays and to teach music classes, but I knew I couldn't push Mrs.Jess and Mr.Jason to adopt her.

That would be violating quite a few rules. "The children are currently having breakfast, we didn't expect guests so early. Why don't you mingle with the children while they eat. That way you can get to know some of them. After breakfast they will go to their rooms so that you can walk around and talk to them easier. How does that sound?" Jason and Jess responded at the same time "Great,"

Nikki's POV

"I cant believe Aphmau, the Aphmau, is here!" I said to Adriana. "I can't either, there are over 20 orphanages in this state alone! And she chooses Mrs.Rolland's Orphanage for unlucky Youth!" she exclaimed.

I looked over and noticed Aphmau and Jason were walking our way! "Gah!" I exclaimed, "What is it?" Adriana asked. All I could do was point.

Before Adriana could look Aphmau and Jason sat at our table. "Hi," Aphmau said. Adriana as always confidently said "Hi, I'm Adriana, it's nice to meet you," Adriana noticed I wasn't speaking so she elbowed me in the stomach. "h-Hi, I'm Nikki, I really like your videos, especially Minecraft Diaries, it always gives me the feels."

She laughed "Me too, it's sometimes hard for me to even record some videos because I can't stop crying," I looked at her astonished "Really?"

Jason said "Really, even when there isn't anything to cry about," She glared at him and he laughed. "Mrs.Rolland told me you liked Minecraft and YouTube, but other than that what do you like to do?" she asked

"Well, I play violin, I create mash-ups which are just these things where I take two songs with the same tempo and put them together,"

"They're really cool," Adriana piped in, I ignored her and continued "I also like playing with the little kids and teaching them how to dance and play instruments, and I sing and dance a bit," I finished.

"A bit? A Bit?" Adriana laughed "That's such a lie! You dance all the time when I'm not in the room!" Aphmau giggled, and I noticed she was wearing black cat ears and had whiskers on her face, she was also wearing a purple top and white pants!

"You look like a cat!" I said, Jason said "I think that's what she was going for but she kinda threw on a random top and bottom and ears and whiskers, but it worked out"

We talked a little while longer and they asked What Adriana liked and what she did, then they said their goodbyes and went to meet other kids.

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