Chapter 28: Trouble finds Me

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Alexa's POV

I had been working with Laurence and Aphmau for a few weeks now. I am only starting to get the hang of changing at will.

Other than Aaron, I was lonely. Sera, Tony, Aspen, and Ashton went back to the over-world about a week ago. Apparently, as long as your here in this dimension anyone who didn't see you disappear doesn't remember you.

Right now I was sparring with Aaron. I was actually beating him. I took one more strike at him and he was on the ground with a sword to his neck.

"Come on! Ya wouldn't hurt me now would ya?!" he asked getting a stupid look on his face. I rolled my eyes. "If you make that face again I will."

I took my sword away from his neck and helped him stand. "I won't go ea-" I stopped mid-sentence. Go to the Gates of old Phoenix Drop unless you want to see your beloved village burn! A voice hissed in my head.

Aaron waved his hand in my face. "-xa, Alexa?!" he said. I came back to reality. "You okay?" he asked me. "I-I'm fine. I'm just going to go.....for a walk...Yeah...." I said to him.

Before he could object I walked away. When I was far enough away from him I broke into a sprint. If I knew anything about voices in you head, it's you should listen to 'em.

I got to the inner gate. "Hey Alexis!" I yelled up. She looked over the edge. "Oh! Hello Alex! Not seen you in a while. What can I do for ya?" she asked me smiling. "I wanted to go for a quick walk. Think ya could open the gate?" I asked he trying to look innocent.

"You know I can't, besides if you try and run away again I don't want to get blamed. Nor do I want Levin yelling at me for losing a 'weapon of mass destruction'." "Please???" I pleaded.

"Oh alright! You win! If your not back in 10 minutes I'm telling Aaron~" she said teasingly. She knew we were dating and finds joy in teasing me about it.

I walked out the gates to Old Phoenix Drop. I gulped, I had no idea who the voice was. "AAHHH! You made it Alexa!" a voice said from the shadows.

What is it with people and shadows? "I was beginning to worry you were going to show your old pops up and let your village burn!" He said. Pops? No....It- How! "How are you out of the nether...Shadow Lord." I snapped.

"That's a story for another time. Right now is time to discuss the marriage arrangements." He said stepping out of the shadows. "Marriage? If your speaking of Zane I'd rather kill someone. Preferably you or him!" I said shouting.

I tried to run, he "teleported" in front of me. "I don't think so," he said smiling. I screamed for help. "That sweetie, was a BIG mistake." he said, then my world went black.

Alexis's POV

I heard Alexa scream. I knew I shouldn't have let her leave! I ran into Phoenix Drop. Looking for Dante or Laurence or Aaron.

"Help! HELP!" I yelled between gasps. "Help!" Levin ran up to me. "Alexis!? What's wrong?!" he asked me alarmed. He grabbed my arm to help steady me. "Alex...Scream.....Gates.....Left...." I said gasping for air. "Woah, take a few breaths okay?" he said looking concerned.

"Alexa left for a walk--I let her-- she was in the woods when she screamed. The cries all of a sudden stopped." I said while looking to the ground. "YOU LET HER LEAVE!! WITHOUT ANYONE WITH HER?! ALEXIS!! HOW COULD YOU BE SO ARROGANT!" He yelled attracting a lot of attention.

I flinched and teared up. "I-I'm sorry...." I said quietly. "Sorry fixes nothing, sorry cannot fix the fact that now we might possibly lose this war!" he raised his voice. I started crying, as a guard, you don't cry often.

And being the only girl, you definitely do not cry. "Alexis I'm so sorry" he started out. He placed his hand on my shoulder but I jerked my body away and ran. I don't want to work for a lord who gets mad at one little screw up!

I ran outside the gates, I saw teal hair ahead. It had to be Alexa. I got closer. She had blood gushing from her head and wasn't moving. "Alexa!" I yelled running up to her. I saw a man step out of the shadows, with hundreds of shadow souls behind him. I screamed, Please! Please Levin hear that! Please Irene let someone hear that!

Levin's POV

A scream? Alexis! I ran to get back-up. "MOM! MALACHI! Alexa and Alexis in woods, scream, get help!" I said before running out the door with them on my tail. I saw Aaron with Dante and Laurence.

"GUYS! Guys!" I yelled. They looked in my direction. "Alexis, Alexa, trouble, in woods, come help." I said. Aaron looked really worried. I wonder why. We all ran outside the gates.

They were still open, that means that scream really was Alexis! Aphmau had gathered Garroth, and Lucinda. Malachi managed to find Travis. "We need to be careful, we can't risk putting the girls in danger. Nor us, we analyze the sit-" I stopped.

Apparently some don't listen to me. Aaron was walking out into the open. Then I saw why. Alexis an Alexa were in the middle of it. I realized what this was. "AARON NO! IT'S A TRAP!!" I tried yelling.

It was to late they were all gone. A voice rang through the trees saying naught but 2 simple words....

Daddy's Home

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