¤15¤ TwidleMcDums

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Lyria POV

I swear you just can't escape the mountain load of homework every subject teacher piles on you.

It has been a month ever since Rain's confession and the news spreaded like wildfire so practically the whole level of students knew about it.

When school started after Valentine's Day, Ms Rodney was still in the Valentine mood 'cause she showed up in a horribly puffy and disturbing hot pink dress with orange heart-shaped polka-dots bigger than my face.

One word to describe her outfit on that day - Ugly. It ruined my eyesight!

At least there was something worth seeing during every history period much to Rodney's dismay. Too bad 'cause Rain and Berlin are inseparable. You'll find better luck with men your age.

Oops, I daydreamed again. Back to the test paper.

Ever since Ms Corey , our form teacher if you have forgotten, told us the dates of the Mid-year examinations, every subject teacher has been giving us surprise tests and pop quizzes.

And I'm currently doing one now by Rodney.

The classroom was so silent that you could hear a pin drop except from the time-to-time rustling of papers.

"Times up! Stop writing!" Rodney announced in a booming voice that complimented the 'booming' dress she wore today. She sashayed in her dress with splats of fusha pink, electric blue, mustard yellow, dark purple and dull brown as she collected all our test papers.

Good thing I managed to finish the torturous test paper before she collected it or I'll be in for a zero.

"Class, as you know, history is one of the most important -" Ms Rodney was interrupted by the ringing of the dismissal bell and I saw her mouth the words 'Darn it' as she furrowed her eyebrows, gathering her things to head to the teachers' office.

"Ugh, I'm sooo thristy. I've finished all the water in my bottle and I feel like dying," Berlin groaned as she trudged out of the classroom next to me.

"You could ask Rain to let you drink the water in his bottle," Inez smirked as Aranda squashed herself next to me and whispered," Ooo , indirect kissing. I like that."

" She already did," Rain appeared from behind Berlin and rolled his eyes in amusement as he held up his empty bottle like the torch of statue of liberty for all of us to see.

Aranda squealed and Rain shot her an I-know-what-you're-thinking look.

"Everyone can pop by at my house for a drink if you all like. I'll make some honey lemon lime drink," I suggested and at once, whoops of exhilaration erupted at the school gate.

The fastest way to get to my house was to walk past TwindleMcDums orphanage and turn left at the corner where the marshmallow shop is.

Hmmm, maybe I'll buy some marshmallows on the way home...

" ... sour and soooo refreshing on a hot day like this," Berlin smiled as we continued on the topic of lemons while walking down the long pavement.

" When life gives you lemons,make lemonade out of them," Skipper remarked as he bounded down the path.

A red-bricked building came into view as we past by the familiar ' Welcome to TwidleMcdums Orphanage! Thanks for visiting and showing your support :) ' sign.

" Easter friday is coming! That rabbit looks exactly like Lyria's,"

Everybody stopped to look at a poster that Aranda was busy studying. Pinned on the noticeboard right outside the orphanage, everyone craned their necks to stare at the sheet of paper.

"Sounds interesting! I'm all ready to volunteer!" Aranda shrieked as she pumped her fist in the air.

Seems like they were asking for volunteers to help them in their Easter celebration for the children there. It sounds fun...

Might as well give it a go like Aranda.

"I'm in!" I fist-bumped Aranda, sharing a smile with her.

It wasn't long before everyone readily agreed to volunteer.

Marching into the orphanage, we approached the reception counter to sign up to volunteer for the upcoming Easter celebration.

" What helpful and well-mannered children you all are! I'll just write your names down on this sign-up sheet over here..." I swear this was the same thirty-year-old woman that greeted us on the same day as the Valentine Carnival in February.


" That's a big bag of marshmallows , Lyria..." Bryce exclaimed as he eyed the plastic bag I was lugging on the floor.

" I need to stock up on my sugar. It always get low towards examinations. I have no idea why too," I replied, raising an eyebrow as he rolled his eyes.

" Away we go to Lyria's house! Oh that's fast. I didn't know we would reach so soon," Aranda looked up at the two-storeyed building in front of her.

" I'm warning you that you all should just linger at the kitchen and not try to explore the house. I mean you could if you want to but don't be surprised when you step into the backyard," I warned them and with a jingle of keys, I unlocked the door.

" WOOOOOOO!" Skipper almost fell over when his bare feet touched the floor. Did I ever told you that the floor of this house was so slippery that you had to slide your way through? Well, now that you know, don't wear socks in my house or else you will be sock-skating instead of ice-skating.

Bryce held onto me as we slid our way to the kitchen. That boy certainly has no sense of balance.
" This is fun!" Berlin squealed as she plopped herself onto a high chair at the kitchen table.

" Settle down at the table while I whip up the drink," I instructed as I prepared the cups.

"So, what do you think we should do for the kids? The woman told us to think of at least two activities?" I heard Christian ask.

" We could do a skit about the story of Easter... And show off our acting skills," Aranda suggested.

" And select someone here to be Jesus," Bryce butted in, flashing an amused smile.

I carried a pitcher of honey lemon lime drink and eight cups to the kitchen table before plopping down on an empty seat beside Inez and joining the conversation.

" This... good!" Berlin exclaimed, giving me a 'thumbs-up' before gulping down her drink.

"Okay, so skit it shall be. Another activity?" Rain asked as we continued to rack our brains.

" A meet-and-greet session with Lyria's bunny?" Skipper suggested and instantly, Bryce shook his head vigorously, replying, " It would just lick everybody on the nose and that wouldn't be good for people who are allergic to animals."

" How about an egg-hunt? Children love those, don't they? It's fun and exciting," My eyes lit up as I recalled the egg-hunt I did during pre-school.

I was hopping around the little garden at my pre-school as I searched under the bushes and behind trees for brightly-painted eggs. It was like an adventure and the best part was when you opened the eggs you found, there was chocolates inside!

Although I would prefer to have marshmallows in them...

" EGG-HUNTS ARE MY FAVOURITE! How could I forget?" Christian and Rain squealed as they gave each other a 'hi-five'.

" Then, it's settled. Easter Skit and Egg-hunt. We could start preparing tomorrow," Bryce announced and we continued sipping our honey lemon lime drink, pouring more into our cups from time to time...


QOTD: Fav flavour of ice-cream?

My answer: Chocolate or Cookies 'N' Cream 😋

P.S Anyone watched the anime called Bleach?

Okay, I need to study comprehension now ahaha


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