¤8¤ Shhh, it's a secret

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Lyria POV

" You can't tell anyone about this. No one except Inez and Aranda 'cause we might need their help with Rain's confession or else I'll steal all your MARSHMALLOWS," Bryce threatened, trying to look stern but fails when I faked a gasp.

"Don't worry. I'll stuff the cat in the bag and the secret will be under cover, trust me." I reassured the boys and Rain sighed in relief. He stretched out his hand for a handshake to close the one-sided 'deal'.

"Stuff the cat in the bag?" Christian suddenly asked from behind me and I was startled for a second.

" It's another way of saying 'not letting the cat out of the bag'. Lyria ain't telling anyone 'bout Rain's confession except Inez and Aranda," Skipper rolled his eyes in amusement.

"THAT'S MA BOY! You've grown up so much, I feel so proud," Christian squealed like a girl before ruffling Rain's fluffy tufts of light brown hair. I see some bromance going on here.

"Lyria, save our numbers 'cause -" Rain stopped mid-way in his sentence for Christian punched him in the shoulder. I swear Christian is too high...

"- I'm gonna create a whatsapp group chat so we can continue our discussion and plan for my thingamajigga. Of course, I won't add Berlin, ahehe," Rain continued, smiling, his eyes lighting up like fireworks when he spoke.

Christian became even more excited because he suddenly attached himself like a sloth onto small-sized Rain and Rain looked like he was about to suffocate. Christian, don't kill Berlin's boyfriend-to-be.

"So, I'll be going off now or else the girls will be wondering if I actually had constipation in the toilet," I whisked off immediately.


And I was right once I had joined the girls.

"Man, you really constipated?"

" If you keep staring at my ass, you've never find out," I rolled my eyes at Berlin, and I tried my best to hide my smile because the secret of Rain confessing to the girl right in front of me is buzzing around my brain.

"Off we go to our homes!" Aranda exclaimed.

"I thought you were gonna say Neverland. Got me so hyped for a second, don't do that next time, Aranda , " Inez shook her head and showed a disapproving look but she broke out laughing when Aranda almost bumped into a pillar.


Heather Street, Weather Drive No. 24 - my house, my bedroom, on my bed, 4.30pm...

Lying there is me. I'm currently very engaged in the group discussion via Whatsapp.

Rain :

So, I think I'm going to write a script and be like, I love you so much, Berlin.


That's all you gonna say? She'll be so touched,man. 😏

I stifled a giggle as I snuck a marshmallow into my mouth.

Aranda :

You can say the Valentine rhyme - Roses are red, violets are blue. In the whole world, I only love you...

Bryce, pass me that box of tissues, I needa blow my nose...

Bryce :

You're weird. I'm literally beside you now on the sofa.

And you're sitting on the box of tissues.


I guess Aranda must have farted or something, you never know...

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