¤18¤ It's showtime!

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Lyria POV

One week later...

Ding! The familiar sound of my Macbook receiving notifications jolted me awake. And I jumped out of bed just in time before Dayn comes crashing into my pillow to wake me up.

"Hmmm I wonder who's that," I said groggily as I pulled my tired body to my Macbook and was somehow rejuvenated by what I saw.

Holy marshmallows! Aspen Williams a.k.a my favourite artist in the world just replied me on her blog! She replied plain old boring Lyria out of like so many fans. I must be dreaming...

"Slap me, Dayn," I said and instantly, a hand came down on my cheek.

"Not so hard but thanks anyway, 'CAUSE I'M NOT DREAMING!!!" I squealed as I crouched towards my Macbook and read Aspen's reply.


Thank you so much! Your comment has made my day and I can't stop laughing at your obsession with marshmallows. ( They are amazing! Can you imagine what the world would be like once someone makes a marshmallow bed or better, A MARSHMALLOW WORLD!) I'm glad you liked the post too. Your feedback was lovely and I appreciate it a lot!
Lots of love- Aspen

She says she loves me! This is the BEST DAY EVER! I'll just make a quick reply back to her because I really need to hurry and dress up for the skit, not forgetting to bring the eggs for the egg hunt later at TwidleMcDums.


I definitely need a MARSHMALLOW BED 'cause the bed I'm currently sleeping on is not reaaally comfy...

Btw I have a small question to ask. Is Awesome Ian's Decoration Store the best store in London for picking up art stuff ? 'Cause I hope to find a nearer art store to buy nice artistic stuff, hehe

May marshmallows bless you :) - Marshmallows

Okay, it's time to get ready. I grabbed the same white dress I had wore to Christian's house a week ago and dashed to the kitchen to get the painted Easter eggs that had marshmallows stuffed in them before walking to TwidleMcDums.


"Finally, our angel has arrived. Come along, and burst through the big wooden door. Remember to turn left once u enter  'cause it would lead to backstage," Berlin pushed me and everyone else towards the big wooden door that creaked when it opened.

"Put on your costumes and according to the lady, our stage time is after a performance by two girls so-" Christian was cut off by an annoyingly familiar screeching and we all turned to look at a red-head with a smug smile.

"My,my. Well, if it isn't Milaton, dear. What are you doing here to disturb my stage time?" Verah snorted as she rolled her eyes disdainfully with Veron behind her, sniggering away.

"My,my. Well, if it isn't Rah Rah, not-dear. What you're wearing is gonna ruin the children's eyes and you're totally gonna pay if they all go blind," Berlin imitated Verah's snobbish tone as the rest of us smirked, stifling our laughter.

Verah was about to retort back when a staff told her that it was time for her performance.

"Look at the kids' expressions. I love them..." Inez said as she pointed at the kids sitting on rows of chairs as their eyes almost popped out of their sockets when they landed on Verah's hideous dress that had a big slimy green strawberry  in the middle of it.

"Why don't we watch their performance?" Rain suggested as we bounced to the front of the hall in search of seats, thrilled for the amusing performance to start.

"EAAAASSSSTTTTER Sunday!" Verah screeched into the mircophone and I immediately recognised that it was the oldies song 'Easter Sunday' by Jolly Hollar... (P.S I made it up)

"Watch the sun come up to fill the... ... EGGS!" Veron sang monotonously and she paused for a while at the last word for she seemed to have forgotten it.

By the way, it was supposed to be ' fill the land' not 'fill the eggs'. It was horrible 'cause they messed up half-way during the song.

"The song is so ugly," I heard an older kid whisper to his companion. Then, a kid around three turned around and replied," They are both uglier."

Bryce, who was sitting beside me, started laughing. I guess he must have heard the kid's comment.

"Okay, we better get ready 'cause it's gonna be our turn soon. Away we go to the backstage," Aranda said as we made a beeline for the backstage.


" This is the story of Easter where Jesus carried a cross all the way to the place where the soldiers nailed him," Rain said solemnly.

And on cue, Bryce came onto the stage in his costume, looking tired and weary as he dragged his feet to the centre of the stage with a 'cross' lugging behind. He was accompanied by an evil-looking Christian and a menacing Skipper. Berlin, Aranda and Inez came out to cheer for Jesus' death.

"Oh my poor baby Bryce! Oh my!" I peered from the curtains of the backstage to see Veron whimpering dramatically at the front row. "Shut up, would you!" A kid next to her retorted and I laughed my head off.

" Jesus died for our sins and saved us. Three days later..." Rain continued as the backdrop  of the stage changed.

"He was buried in a tomb where soldiers guarded him. Then, suddenly, an angel arrived to move away the stone at the entrance of the tomb and frighten off the soldiers." Rain continued as he nodded towards me.

I walked calmly towards the stage as I felt the children's stares on me and Veron's glare, of course.

"She's pretty..." I heard a little girl said as Veron instantly snapped at her, declaring loudly that I'm not. Man, she shouldn't be so fierce to little kids.

The kid sitting next to her was about to retort back when Veron hissed," And I'm not ugly, mind YOU! "

"Ah, 'cause you're uglier..." The same kid that made Bryce laughed commented and I was trying my best not to laugh at that moment.

" Jesus! You're not supposed to laugh! You're supposed to pretend you're dead," I whispered to Bryce as I peered over the 'tomb' which was just a big circular grey cardboard. Bryce nodded as he stifled his giggles.

"Boo!" I said to the 'soldiers' and they ran off. Ah, my scene is gonna be over soon...

"When the angel rolled away the stone, Jesus was not there because he had become alive again! And that's the story of Easter," Rain concluded as I peered over the 'tomb' again to see Bryce escaping through the trapdoor before rolling away the 'tomb stone' revealing nobody.

Everyone hurried on stage and took a bow before exiting through the door of the backstage.

"Begone itchy beard!" Bryce declared as he threw it off his face and onto the floor.

"Come along. We have an announcement to make to the kids. IT'S TIME FOR THE EGG HUNT!" Christian squealed as Rain's eyes lit up brightly.

Next destination: To the field we go


One last paper...
I need to do
Before I can run and play :)

SING WITH MEEE °•°°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°


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